Springfield == The Alliance to Develop Power (ADP) is the first community organization in the state to call upon United States Senator-Elect Scott Brown to follow up on his promise of creating a “big tent” by working collaboratively with those that are hurting the most in the economic crisis — especially low-income people and the unemployed, African-Americans, immigrants, and those living in distressed communities.  

ADP members are calling upon Senator-Elect Brown to stand up for all families in Massachusetts by supporting Just and Humane Immigration Reform that includes a path to citizenship, an Emergency Public Jobs program to help rebuild Massachusetts’ battered economy by creating living wage jobs, and enacting stricter banking regulations to ensure that the needs of people are put before the bankers that caused this crisis.     ADP is the first grassroots organization to move beyond partisan politics by calling on Senator-Elect Brown to support a comprehensive package that will create a just and equitable economy that works for all families.

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