(If only Robert Reich had somewhere to turn, then maybe they’d start paying attention to him… – promoted by eli_beckerman)

Former Labor Sec and MA gubernatorial candidate Robert Reich adds his name to those of Cornell West (video) & NYT pundits Bob Herbert and Paul Krugman among this week’s enrollees in the Legions of the Disaffected, Disappointed, and Disenfranchised.

And what with this crap, they’re only gonna get madder.

Reich’s ultimate paragraph serves as both a caveat and, I think, a genuine sign of hope for the Green Party in MA and across the republic:

If the Mad-as-hell Party helps get money out of politics it will do a world of good. I might even join up. But if it just fulminates against the establishment, forget it. Wrecking balls are easy to wield. Rescuing our democracy is hard work.

It’s a growing movement, and they’re looking for the folks with the constructive solutions.

This is a good start:

But as Reich suggests, it isn’t enough. Back in the bad old days of 2002, Tony (Angels in America) Kushner ended what I’ve long considered one of the finest, hands-down the funniest, and, considering the times, among the bravest commencement address I’ve ever read with a one-word solution.  

Oh, and Michael Franti’s onto something, too:

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