1. michael horan

    Beautifully expressed. Don’t be too hard on yourself for not wholly opting out of the political and economic systems–we can’t all be Scott Nearing. Your own work is invaluable, trivial as it doubtless often appears–I know the feeling. It’s going to be a long and tough slog, sometimes working within, sometimes outside the system. Luther was right: at times, in this world, god must serve the devil.

    But I share the disgust with fellow citizens, rigged system–and self. I didn’t look into any mirrors at the local high school at which I voted.

    I expect nothing of any real, truly necessary moment to come out of the current administration. But if some  small-scale improvements that could change in some small way the lot of the less powerful and less priveleged are defeated by one vote, I’d be less happy with myself than I am forgoing a “principled stance.” Living where I do and under the circumstances I am, I know too well the need to take what ya can when ya can. Sometimes, principle is a luxury.


  2. mikeheichman

    I won’t try to make too much sense of what just happened today with the election of REPUBLICAN Scott Brown as the junior US Senator from MA.

    But I do know this-today things have changed and I don’t believe for the better.

    One of the things that needs to be done is to figure out who Scott Brown is. A very dangerous person has tapped into a nation’s anger.

    One year ago tomorrow, Barack Obama became President along with Democrats in control of both the House and the Senate. Today, the political terrain has changed across the state and across our nation.

    We need to figure out what has happened and how our party can move forward.

    Mike Heichman

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