1 Comment

  1. Republican Ram Rod Radio

    He introduces Jill as running for Gov under the Green/Rainbow party and his first question ……. “What are you protesting?” LOL – what a jerk.

    As for Jill, She needs some color …. A tan, some eye shadow + lipstick.  She comes across looking sick and tired.  Almost gray looking …. I know it’s superficial but you gotta play the game, perception is everything and she needs color.

    She should also refrain from commenting on the $8,000 drapes that Gov Patrick threw up.  Yes people remember that and yes her Campaign can throw that red meat out there …… Just make sure it’s someone else saying it and not Jill.  Dido with the Cadillac.  

    Other than that I thought is was a good interview.  I give her a B.

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