(Via the Jill Stein for Governorcampaign. BTW, you can now become a fanof Jill’s campaign on Facebook–mh.).

Dr. Jill Stein to Launch Campaign for Governor of the Commonwealth

Will be only candidate truly independent of the Beacon Hill machine

BOSTON – Dr. Jill Stein will declare her candidacy for Governor of Massachusetts on Monday, February 8th , 2010 at a rally in front of the State House.

 The event is scheduled for 11 a.m., across from the Robert Gould Shaw monument. A crowd of enthusiastic volunteers from across the state is expected to attend.

Stein, who ran for governor in 2002, and received over 350,000 votes in her race for Secretary of the Commonwealth in 2006, sees 2010 as the year in which voters are ready to turn to a candidate who comes from outside the Beacon Hill establishment. “Clearly, there’s a voter rebellion in the works,” said Stein. “Our campaign is going to give people the opportunity to vote for real change and real solutions to the grave problems facing our families, communities, working people and small businesses.”

With at least four candidates aiming for the corner office, Stein believes that it’s anyone’s race – and she insists she’s in it to win. “With four competing candidates, this race can be won with as little as 26 percent of the vote.” Stein said. She noted that she received 19 percent of the vote in her 2006 race for Secretary of State, so the possibility that a third party candidate could take the reins on Beacon Hill is not far-fetched. Stein will run under the banner of the Green-Rainbow Party, the state affiliate of the Green Party of the United States.

“People have had enough of bailouts, layoffs, sweetheart deals, unaffordable health care, cruel foreclosures, crushing costs of wars, and foot-dragging on the climate crisis. It’s time for real change, not more of the same,” said Stein. “We are going to break the stranglehold of lobbyists and insiders, and get Beacon Hill back to work for the ordinary people of the Commonwealth. Together we can build the healthy, secure green future we so urgently need.”


  1. rossl

    public funding in Massachusetts that she could receive?  And how many candidates ran against her in 2006?

  2. michael horan

    Sounds to me like a campaign theme song.

    Seems to me Patti oughta come up and do a benefit.

    She did a great acoustic gig with Ralph downstairs at The Middle East in ’04… think about it, anyway.

    The power to dream / to rule

    to wrestle the world from fools

    it’s decreed the people rule

    it’s decreed the people rule


    I believe everything we dream

    can come to pass through our union

    we can turn the world around

    we can turn the earth’s revolution

    we have the power

    People have the power …

  3. Republican Ram Rod Radio

    Jill Stein is not going to scrape 26% of the vote or anything close to that.  I’ll give her 5% at best. There is way too much riding on this election to throw your vote away on a third party/tier candidate.  

    Nope – this one is between Baker and Patrick.  

    Jill Stein = 5%

    Cahill => 10% – 13%  

    • When I vote for Jill Stein I will not be “throwing away” my vote.  It’s those who do not vote at all or who don’t vote for what they want that are “throwing away” their vote.  I don’t want either Patrick, Baker, or Cahill to be governor, so I won’t vote for one of them.  And I won’t cast my vote according to anyone’s prediction of how popular that is.  That is truly a waste and a subjugation.

  4. michael horan

    I might have agreed with you–at least in terms of the numbers. This year–feels like a whole new ball game to me. Deval and Baker are singularly unexciting candidates; Democrats have shown they are clearly looking to an alternative who is running a more-than-symbolic campaign; the mood in the state, as well as nationally, suggests that mainstream parties are not perceived as adequately responsive to either the issues o’ the day or to the will and mood of the people–a mood which cuts across the electorate (I see the Tea Party Convention has also been announced).

    I’m not quite ready to bet the rent on ANY candidate, but 5% tops? What shall we bet that she tops that?

    • Republican Ram Rod Radio

      If she beats 5% I’ll type (Not copy and paste …. type) the first verse of “I’m a Little Teapot” * AND * sing it while typing.  

      If she falls below the 5% mark you must do the same sir.

      Do we have a deal?


  5. Patrick Burke

    Treating politics as a horse race subsumes the real issues at hand and makes us the most passive of spectators.  Politics at heart, at its best, means a broad debate about the shape and direction of our society; in fact our social values and commitments are clarified and refined through a process of discussing how public laws and policies underlie, strengthen, or distort those values and commitments.

    I believe the Stein campaign can enable real issues and concerns to become the talk by the water cooler, around the kitchen table, at events of the community, and in all the places where people meet face-to-face (and online too!).  The traditions and principles of the Green-Rainbow Party and Jill Stein’s own journey in public life are living and active examples of expanding our expectations of the political.

    People do and can change our society.  A basic faith in our own capacity to shape our social world and a willingness to scrutinize the myths that keep entrenched interests in power will make any polling predictions worth a tinker’s damn.

  6. rossl

    the race as a Democrat?

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