Next Democracy Day is TUESDAY, AUGUST 10. Please spead the word far and wide! Visit Democracy Days and post YOUR reasons for supporting this campaign!

When’s the last time someone asked you,”yo–wanna make history?”

Been a while? Well, I’m inviting you to do just that right now.

You can whine about all politicians being corrupt. You can pretend nothing outside your front door matters. You can accept impotence as a fundamental condition of your being. You can compromise to no end, selling your soul piece by piece on the obscene premise that life is all about settling for the lesser of two evils.

I dunno. Sounds like a pretty crappy deal to me. If that’s the best we can do, hell, I’d just as soon not have been born.

But I’m damn glad I was, and I’m not settling, and I’m not taking a blade to my whatsits, and neither are you. Because we have an opportunity to redeem ourselves, to redeem our commonwealth, to redeem our future. And all you gotta do is contribute ten bucks. Between now and August 10. That–and spread the word.

Go here and check it out:

We’ve never elected a true outsider at this level, a genuine people’s tribune–a candidate who does NOT take money–as in any–from corporations and lobbyists. ” If we do pull it off, it’s gonna make a hell of a story to tell your kids. You want to be able to give the right answer when they ask “What did YOU do during the election, Daddy?”

And ask they will, because that’s what they’ll be asking when they ask WTF you did about climate change, about our reliance on oil, about our wholesale enthrallment to the investment banks we just “bailed out,” about the backbreaking bonecrushing national debt we’re leaving them. What are you gonna say when they ask how you could have left them this mess? That you had better things to do with your time and money?

We CAN do it–by matching them dollar for dollar. Remember Jim Morrison: “they got the guns, but / we got the numbers.”

For now: ten bucks, a link on your FB page, e-mails and calls to your friends. Let’s say: ten bucks and twenty minutes. Tops. You’ve bet more than that on longer shots than this. But you’ve never bet on anything with a payoff like this one.

If you need any more inspiration, sometimes Shakespeare does the trick:…

okay, you want maybe Animal House?…

Thanks for hearing me out–

1 Comment

  1. heartfelt. And thanks for the tour of Stoughton!  

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