( – promoted by michael horan)

The MA Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus recently sent my campaign a questionnaire, which I am returning today.  My support on the issues of civil rights, marriage rights, privacy, HIV/AIDS policy, and education is resolute, which their members will see easily enough in my answers.

The cover letter to the questionnaire identified the caucus as being ‘bi-partisan.’  This made me wonder if the caucus is open to endorsing a candidate from outside the parties that are generally defined by the term ‘bi-partisan,’ or if they limit serious consideration only to candidates from two parties.  I asked about this last week, but have not received an answer yet.

After the series of yes/no questions, the caucus asked me to articulate why supporters and members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community should support my candidacy.  Here is my response:

“My husband and I are proud to be married in the first state in the US that recognized same sex marriage.  I am active in the community, on boards, on committees, and have explained to many people the importance of recognizing and tapping the strength within our diverse communities.   Your group has done much to advance equality and I look forward to being part of this struggle from within the legislature.

Discrimination and stigma have taken their toll on our community.  It is important to have leaders who have close knowledge about the harmful effects of remaining stigmas and who are vigilant in upholding civil rights, protecting these rights from repeal by [majority vote].  Our leaders must also educate citizens in word and in example – with passion, clarity, and zeal.  I am such a leader and I would like your caucus’ endorsement for the office I seek:  the State Representative position in the 4th Berkshire District.

The Green Party of the United States, with which I and the Green-Rainbow Party in Massachusetts affiliate, has had marriage equality on its platform since its founding.  No party does better.  My election to the legislature – the first Green-Rainbow Party member to that body – will tip the scales in many ways.  When elected, I will be honored to be a gay-married member of the state legislature and will continue my service in the proud example that I have established locally.

Equality is equality is equality and I’m for it.”

I look forward to continued discussion and to hearing from voters on this and on other issues.

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