(It’s inevitable that campaigns like Dr. Stein’s will touch a a responsive nerve in voters across the commonwealth. And that those who realize that the message isn’t so much a personal one, nor that of a party, but of giving voice to the people, will ask that others, too, join us. The snowball grows… Here’s a reaction to Jill’s announcement regarding ballot access – promoted by michael horan)

Jill is as friendly, dynamic, and well-spoken as I could have hoped for. Her campaign team is as organized, determined, and thirsty for victory as any political machine could ever build itself to be. Her core group of supporters are intelligent, dedicated, and ready to put in the hours to make this campaign happen. And, ladies and gentlemen, let’s not forget that JILL IS ON THE BALLOT.

In her remarks yesterday on the steps of the State House and on a conference call Tuesday night, Jill and her campaign organizers made it clear that this is not just a victory for her campaign; this is confirmation of a job well done for the volunteers who made it all possible, a step forward for the Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts, and the beginning of a massive grassroots movement to bring power back to the people of Massachusetts.

Come November, Massachusetts voters will have the opportunity to put their vote towards a slate of candidates who are ready to show the Commonwealth that politics can be honest and can work for the people. Voters are no longer confined to the same old choices of what Jill calls the “old boys club.” In addition to Jill Stein for Governor, Rick Purcell for Lt. Governor and Nat Fortune for State Auditor will appear on the ballot for the Green-Rainbow Party.

One of the reporters present asked Jill (in fact, it was the first question out of his mouth) what this meant for Deval Patrick- will you be taking a lot of votes from him? I absolutely loved Jill’s answer, which was something to the effect of, “Yes. We will be taking votes from Patrick, just as we will be taking votes from Baker and from Cahill.” Massachusetts voters need to understand that a vote for Jill is not a negative vote towards the Republican candidate. It is a vote towards a different type of governance, one based on accountability, mutual trust, and civic participation, all guided by an ecological consciousness that infuses new life into the stale policies of the wealthy elite.

This is where you, the reader, come in. If you care enough about Jill’s campaign to have read this far, than you must realize that the success of her candidacy cannot be determined by the efforts of her and her core group alone. The magnificence of a Green campaign is that it really truly actually is a grassroots effort. The signature-gathering effort is a case in point. We need you to get involved, wherever you are. Make phone calls, design a flyer, make a video, share a link on Facebook, post to your favorite blog.

In the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln declared that a “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Today, our food, money, media, and fuel sources are controlled by a handful of corporate titans. Those same corporate entities enjoy untold influence over our elected representatives, a horrible reality compounded by the Citizens United decision. Where is the voice of We the People?

You can speak up. Jill is running a campaign for no one else but the people of Massachusetts. Make your voice heard by joining hundreds of others in donating just $10 for Democracy Day on Tuesday, August 10th. You can make a pledge at www.democracydays.com/pledge. Help us build a Clean Money tidal wave, not just so we can get Green Party candidates elected, but to preserve the notion of democracy that this country was founded upon.

If you want to get involved with the Democracy Days project and help with fundraising, please contact me at stevie.luther@gmail.com and I will help you get started. In the meantime, please join the Democracy Days group on Facebook: bit.ly/democracydays3

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