1. michael horan

    Gibbs really pised me off with that stupid “drug testing” crack. Adolescent.

    The video’s interesting. My own fear is that all politics has been turning into religion and religious crusades, as each faction hold that they have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I fear it when it see it among the Obama throngs–hey, where’d everybody go?–and when I see it among Tea Partiers or Greens.

    As for the wars, the constitutionality is murky, but the strategies seem increasingly unworkable. They’re less about teh evils of the Taliban when it comes to civil rights and, uh, “freedom,” and less about “terrorism,” than they are about geopolitical contyrol of strategic reserves and access–something no government can afford to disregard, but which we’re clearly blowing.

    My question–and I wrestle with this regularly–is: what’s our proposed solution? (Thankfully, with a focus on state politics, we need not offer one, but since the financial implications of the wars for the commonwealth are staggering, we do need hold government accountable). It’s a bitch, this one. Walking away means turning the country over to savage warlords and a hideous theocracy (seen “Persepolis?”), possible loss of access to important natural gas pipelines to China, and a huge increase in opium farming and monies from the same going places where neither you nor I want it.

    Staying the course means all of the above to a somewhat lesser degree, along with US complicity in most of it.

    Meaning I’m all for withdrawal, but let’s not pretend the consequences are going to be good for anyone.

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