Well, the numbers don’t lie. Little ol’ Green Mass Group has about an order of magnitude less traffic than Red Mass Group and Blue Mass Group. And about an order of magnitude fewer fans on Facebook. But we’re drinking (raw) milk, and one day we’re going to be big and strong.
Hat tip to demolisher over at RMG for pointing us to siteanalytics.com.
Honestly, when I pop into RMG I immediately leave because it is one the most boring sites you could ever waste your time at. The content there does not apply to me because I am a working middle class individual being attacked by the very policies and candidates/public officials that are promoted there. I have no desire to engage them in conversation because they don’t get it and never will. It’s like talking to a brick wall.
Greenmassgroup is certainly an up and coming blog. The policies and candidates promoted here are the future of our country. I am a registered Democrat and still mostly support Democrats, but I have become more critical of some candidates/officials because they are taking on Republican policies and talking points for the misguided reasons that: A. they work {unbelievable), and B. they will get more votes. Don’t think so. The Green Party is steadfast in it’s progressiveness. That inspires a level of trust that is being lost in the two party system. So, thank you for that.
You may have noticed that up until January 2010, GMG was pulling in a steady ZERO visitors per month. We wanted to launch GMG by January 2010, and got up our first post on December 21st.
Upward and onward from there!
In fact I’ll plaster some Facebook walls later today and send some direct messages. This blog is “unaffliated” so to speak, it ought to be a stepping stone for people to begin to think “green”.
A big chunk of the getting people to come here is writing things people want to read. I am guilty as charged with a majority of my comments and posts. But then I have found this blog to be extremely helpful in clarifying my own thoughts and ideas for action. But maybe more people want to read about local efforts to carpool and recycle than the relationship between Greens and the Social Democrats in the German Bundestag.
And yeah let’s not put people into boxes. When I first encountered blogs I posted at a lot of conservative/libertarian ones. It certainly helped me to stop looking at politics in a narrow fashion, and I honed my research skills pointing out how little of the federal budget is spent on “welfare”. Plus most people are not politically consistent, they decide their politics based on very personal things and its rather crude to use labels to seal them off.
I like BMG plenty. Lotta smart people who really understand the ins-and-outs of MA politics–and they don’t hesitate to critique and criticize their leading lights, either, which I find both healthy and refreshing. RMG is more rah-rah-for-our-candidates–dyed in the wool true believers (hmm).
I used to post at RMG, and I was real-time friendly with the host. They crossed a line, though, in promoting one particularly reprehensible post which really hit home on a very, very personal level. Think my response may have gotten me banned. I was of course deeply wounded. RMG also looks like shit now what with all the advertising. These
MG platforms aren’t designed to accomodate them well. But I do tip my hat to Rob-he really helped turn that thing into a substantial forum (for troglodytes … but still), and he’s on the tv regularly now. MBN…As for the Tea Party, I tried to figure out to what degree I could make common cause, but I’ve had it. Look at the goddamn fools they’re getting nominated–if I’m living in Alasak or Nebraska, beliefs be damned–I’m definitely voting Democrat. I’ve never myself compared anyone to “Nazis” myself–too cheap, and there’s just too much baggage attached to that term, and I frankly have never witnessed the kind of really chilling, obscene horror that was Nazism in any other movement or individual. I’ll stick with “buncha horses’ asses” myself, based on the signage, the rallies, the leaders, the songs, the platforms, and the candidates. No more sympathy from this quarter.