1. eli_beckerman

    it is so on!

  2. liveandletlive

    This is an awesome front page.  Would make for a nice handout.  Think I’ll print a few out and pass them around.

  3. liveandletlive

    Email Jay Bradley, producer of NightSide with Dan Rea and let him know excluding Jill Stein from Tuesday’s debate is an attempt to manipulate the democratic process.

    His email address is:   bradley.jay@cbsradio.com

  4. jandrews

    “The Globe starts the conversation and referees the debate, 365 days a year, and now 24 hours a day.”

    – Brian Mooney, Globe Reporter,  Boston Phoenix, April 2009

    A corporate entity, dependent on real estate ads, fighting its union, and sucking up to Deval Patrick for news tidbits, wants to be in charge of our electoral system?  They want to exclude Jill Stein from the debates?

    It’s time to fight back.

    It’s time to cancel your Globe subscription and get your news online.

    To find out what they’re hiding from you, go to http://www.jillstein.org .

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