1. liveandletlive

    One thing that proves clear from watching this interview is that she says exactly what she stands for. She doesn’t spin sentences such that the message is not really clear and could be interpreted to mean this or maybe that.  She simply says it like it is. Straightforward and proud of it.  So awesome to hear it and so different from what we usually get.

    I am so very impressed by who she is. She has strong determination and great courage.  I will continue to promote Jill Stein’s candidacy at every opportunity.  The fact that she didn’t qualify for matching funds really doesn’t change anything. It didn’t change her message or her goals.  I saw quite a few comments on Facebook during her fundraising marathon that said to the effect that “I wish I could donate, but we just don’t have any money right now.”  I think that is the case across a great portion of the electorate.  In spite of that, she still raised a lot of money, and it was clean money.  The fundraising rally was a huge success.

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