(Looking forward to seeing just what evidence the government really has, and putting this attempt to silence such a selfless and fierce community leader behind us.   – promoted by eli_beckerman)


On October 12, 2010 the federal government will put on trial the most prominent elected official affiliated with the GRP, neighbor and friend, Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner. It will attempt to convince a jury that he is guilty of extorting $1,000 and lying to FBI officials.

Chuck Turner is an honest man who has never extorted a penny from anyone. He has championed justice for everyone, especially the residents of District 7 in Boston, Massachusetts.

Chuck maintains his innocence. He will use the trial to expose the unethical and immoral behavior of those who have conspired to silence him.

Members of the Boston chapter of the Green-Rainbow Party have known and worked with Chuck Turner for many years. We Believe in Chuck and stand with him during this time of government and media persecution.

We believe that Chuck’s re-election, after being falsely indicted on these false charges, is proof and evidence that his peers and constituents know that he is innocent. We also demand that President Obama’s Justice Department immediately drop the false charges brought by the Bush Administration.

Chuck Turner has been a community organizer and civil rights activist in Boston since 1966. Since his first election in 1999, he has been an outstanding City Councilor. He played a major role in the fight that brought reform to the Cori laws at the city and state level. Other legislative accomplishments have included the banning of carrying machetes as well as the selling of “crack pipes” in Boston as well as giving voters the right to bullet vote in At Large Elections.  

He led the formation of the Mass Alliance Against Predatory Lending whose legislative initiatives led this year to the passage of legislation protecting the rights of tenants in foreclosed building.

Among his other organizational accomplishments since his taking office are the development of the Boston Workers Alliance, the Boston Staffing Alliance, the New Majority Coalition, the Dudley Square Organizing Initiative, and the District 7 Roundtable.

Chuck has always stood by us. Now its time to stand by him.

Mike Heichman (mikeheichman@verizon.net) and John Marshall, jsmarshall3@gmail.com,) for the Green-Rainbow Party of MA-Boston Chapter

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