From the Green-Rainbow Party:

We all know that our legislature has a record of ignoring badly-needed reforms year after year.  Ultimately, we’ll change this by electing Green-Rainbow candidates who are not beholden to corporate special interests. But in the short term, we will work to promote worthy bills, since, occasionally, enough pressure can be mounted to pass real public interest bills (like last year’s CORI reform).

With that in mind,we’re passing along a call to action on behalf of Ranked Choice (aka Instant Runoff) Voting, an urgently needed voting reform that lets you rank your choices and vote your values without fear of  “throwing your vote away” or “spoiling” the election.  We encourage you to contact your state representative right away.  

Here’s the memo from Citizens for Voter Choice:

“In a partnership between Representative Alice Wolf, MassVOTE, and the Citizens for Voter Choice, we’ve filed a practical bill that will put Ranked Choice Voting on the map in Massachusetts by allowing cities and towns to voluntarily opt in to a Ranked Choice Voting system.


Look up your State Representative here (click on the photo to get the phone number).

Here’s what you can say:

“Hi, my name is __________, I’m a citizen who lives in your district, at _[address]_.  I’m calling to urge the representative to co-sponsor HD.02026, the Instant Runoff Voting Local Option Bill.

I believe this practical bill will improve democracy by allowing cities and towns to opt into a voting system that is a great improvement over our current system.

Instant Runoff Voting (Ranked Choice Voting) will allow me to truly vote my values by ranking the candidates in my order of preference, and it will provide true majority winners and more competitive elections by solving the problems of vote splitting and spoiler candidates.

Will you co-sponsor HD.02026?  Thank you for considering.”

We have 2 more days to get co-sponsors for the Local Option Bill. Deadline: FEBRUARY 4.

We did it in Maine, and now is our chance to do it in Massachusetts. But we can’t do it without your help.  If you want to empower voters, reduce the power of incumbents, and eliminate vote splitting for good in Massachusetts, then call your state representative now.  Urge him or her to sign on as a co-sponsorr to HD.02026 – The Instant Runoff Voting Local Option Bill.

In case you’re curious, here is the working draft of the bill text.


[End Voter Choice memo]

Thanks much for your support for this critical legislation!


  1. mudlock

    “Ranked Choice (aka Instant Runoff) Voting, an urgently needed voting reform that lets you […] vote your values without fear of  “throwing your vote away” or “spoiling” the election.”

    It would be great if this were true.

    The truth is, IRV still has spoilers, which means you could still be throwing your vote away (or feel compelled to vote for the lesser of two evils).


    40%: A > B > C

    25%: B > A > C

    35%: C > B > A

    By IRV, A wins this election. But if enough C-favoring voters were to disingenuously rank their 2nd favorite, B, above their true favorite, than B would win instead, which, from the point of view of these voters, would be an improvement. By voting for C first, they have “thrown their vote away”.

    If candidate C weren’t in the election then, similarly, B would win. In other words, C’s presence “spoiled the election” of B.

    Maybe you don’t think this sort of situation is likely, but THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED, in 2009, right next door to Massachusetts. The city of Burlington, Vermont, used IRV to elect their mayor in 2009, and the top three candidates (a Progressive, a Democrat, and a Republican) saw results perfectly analogous to these! In response, the citizens of Burlington voted to ditch IRV, and go back to their old system.

    Don’t fall for the same trick that Burlington did; don’t waste 5 years of effort on something that doesn’t even work as advertised.

    In New Hampshire this week, the house is debating a bill that would enact approval voting for their state-wide elections (including the presidential primary!) Approval voting is a much more effective and robust system; one which ACTUALLY fixes the spoiler problem.

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