1. michael horan

    Sheesh, it does sound like a lovers’ tiff.

    Nothing a little counseling won’t cure.

    Or a fat check.

  2. Just what does the Governor plan to say to Fidelity, “please give me another chance to throw more tax $ at you on your way out the door?”

    No clawbacks here, and there never were. And those strict promises that Fidelity had to add jobs? The language said there were exempt anytime there was a decline in the economy. They only had to hire if times were good. Now there’s a tough standard! Don’t believe me, check out Section 38, Chapter 63 of the General Laws, subsection (m).

    Want to eliminate this giveaway? Demand that your state representative support H03015 introduced by Rep Scaccia.


    Not that my state rep cosponsored it. Or anybody’s, actually.


    more here: http://network.greenchange.org

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