The Pentagon is out to make an example of Bradley Manning. In the “age of Wikileaks”, the most dangerous threat to American world dominance is our own people, with insider access, deciding to blow the whistle of the abuses they witness. Now being charged with “aiding the enemy”, 23 year old Manning is facing the death penalty for allegedly “knowingly giving intelligence information to the enemy”. For exposing US military murder of innocent civilians, Bradley Manning is now himself facing murder at the same hands. In this supposedly Christian nation, the killers are us. The killing — with our munitions, our aircraft, our hands, our tax dollars — continues:
Enough is enough. The enemy is us, and we need to confront that fact. The longer we allow this to go on, the more responsibility will fall at our feet for these atrocities. While we may not, as relatively powerless individuals, condone this, our silent consent fuels it. From our support of dictators throughout oil rich North Africa and the Middle East, to the blatant support and participation in coup d’etats in our own hemisphere, the lies of American Empire are blaring. WikiLeaks and Manning have exposed the lies for what they are. But they are not the enemy. The enemy is us — our support for a violently destructive economy, daily murder in our name to protect “American interests”, our obsession with the unending parade of distractions like Charlie Sheen, our refusal to take responsibility for what our tax dollars fund. If we allow our government to try and kill Manning, like we’re allowing them to torture him, then we give up any expectation of reasonable protection for our own safety, security, or liberty. We may be a free people, but we are on the verge of consciously giving up that freedom.
Somewhere, somehow, there’s a line to draw in the sand. Thankfully some Americans are drawing it, and taking nonviolent direct action at the White House to say BASTA! No más! Enough is enough!