(don’t wait, organize! – promoted by eli_beckerman)


“Here’s a song for President Obama (and the Democratic Party more broadly) I wrote today.” –David Rovics

I remember in 2008

A Democrat became head of state

His party won the Congress too

Then we watched to see what they would do

Vague promises and hopeful signs

Just try to read between the lines

These things take time, that’s understood

And I know that patience can be good

And I’m no genius, but I’m not dumb

And I’m still waiting for the change to come

Many thought it had arrived

We felt lucky to have survived

All those years of rightwing rule

Using fear and hatred as the fuel

Now we’re on the other side

And we’re still swimming against the tide

The wars go on, good people die

Missiles rain down from the sky

Once I dreamed you were my best chum

But I’m still waiting for the change to come

The prisons fill up with the poor

Victims of the same drug war

Bankers fly in First Class seats

While families move into the streets

Across the country schools close down

In another bankrupt town

Oil sits on the sea floor

And now you want to drill for more

And like everybody where I’m from

I’m still waiting for the change to come

I don’t know but I’d like to think

We can pull each other from the brink

I’ve heard it said with a sigh

This nation is too young to die

But the system’s broke and what I glean

Is change must come by other means

Can you hear the whispers in the air

What we need is Tahrir Square

Until then in Washington

I’ll be waiting for the change to come

Still waiting for the change to come


1 Comment

  1. michael horan

    What we do not need is Tahrir Square.

    What we need are candidates for SchoolBoard and Town Meeting and Selectperson willing to put the time in in the trenches before running for higher-level offices. Getting the experience and credentials and building a base.

    A mob in the street, contra the silly and woefully cliched  “this is what democracy looks like” chant, is NOT democracy any more than backroom dealings among the elites is.

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