1. eli_beckerman
  2. gus-maureen

    As a member of the press, I agree entirely. Big media is a corrupt waste of time, but we also need to be sure the smaller, more personal media is honest and there’s a strong push for Web sources that do their homework. The web today is where print was in the 19th C — 90% “yellow journalism” (and I use the latter word VERY loosely. Most bloggers wouldn’t know ethical journalism if it bit them, and that’s true even of some sites I basically agree with). The other 10% are good, with representatives of various political views but a common interest in genuinely informing the people and debating the issues.

    A good example is David Brin’s “Contrary Brin” — he’s a strong proponent of the possibilities today’s communications tech has to promote transparency when used widely… (I don’t always agree with his almost cornucopian belief in tech’s ability to save us in other areas, though.)


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