Pleased to see Bill Kibben (new activity previously noted here) and going beyond the one-off media stunts and rallies and getting real. Brown’s a terrific initial target for efforts like these.

Can 350 build the kind of poitical and fundraising muscle move.on did?


  1. I got an email that Bill McKinnon will be at a fundraiser for Bob Massie on June 2.

  2. jandrews

    The Democratic Party certainly has made defeating Scott Brown its major priority.  They’ve got their friends attacking Brown already.  But if you really care about saving the planet, don’t fall for the idea that electing a Democrat is going to save the day.

    Remember, Barack Obama has a long history as a friend of nuclear power and coal.  He issued more permits to coal companies for mountaintop removals than Bush.  He helped deflect pressure for action on global warming.  After pushing offshore oil, he backed down after the BP disaster, but recently he’s propose pushing ahead to allow drilling up and down the Atlantic Coast.

    Electing a Democrat like Massie, who is giving every sign of kissing up to Obama, isn’t going to reverse things.  It’s time to stand up to both the Democrats and the Republicans.  Sign a pledge not to vote for either of them until they come up with a plan to phase out nuclear power, convert to renewable electricity, and stop giving our tax dollars away to oil companies.  That would get their attention.  If you get on the “Stop Scott Brown” bandwagon, you’re just sending the message that political parties that are controlled by corporate money are good enough for you.  You can do better.

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