1. michael horan

    I can offer something of a defense of Democrats nationally, but’s damn hard to counter this. It’s freaking disgraceful.

    But: what you offering by way of an alternative? Yeah, “Greens can and should step forth.” But the fact is, they don’t. Fact is, we all can’t vote for Mark Miller in the Berk 3rd. Fact is, Greens have also demonstarted that they are unable to provide what you’re after either.

    The first half of this is excellent and deserves wide reading. But the conclusion leaves me cold. Talk is cheap.

    So, two questions: how many candidates for state legislature/senate does the GRP anticipate running next time around?

    Last time, it was all of two, and both at the other end of the state. Will we see a few dozen spirited, FUNDED campaigns, or is all this just whistling in the wind? Because I’ve heard this over and over and over again from the Greens for yars–hell, I’ve written similar stuff myself–and at the end of the day… well, I don’t have to spell it out.

    And: looking at the names of the posters who regularly lambaste the state Democrats on here–Patrick, Eli, John Andrews–what’s YOUR excuse for not running? (This Democrat would likely back any of ya). Because if YOU folks don’t, nobody will.

    Seriously, Eli and Shirley–if either of you run, and you allow non-district folks to play, I’ll work my ass off for you. My sometimes deep-seated disagreement with you is nothing compared to my respect for your integrity and the common sense you’d bring, I don’t care what party you’re from. Please think about it. And while runing for legislature would probably be another classic melodramatic GRP suicide … start local. If you’re going to criticize our elected officials non-stop in the contemptuous terms you do, I think you ought to put some skin in the game. Maybe governing isn’t as black-and-white as punditry (though, in truth, the issue Shirley describes comes pretty close)?

    This means dealing with local business people–banks, commercial developers, hardcore politicos, municipal unions, and hordes of irate taxpayers, etc. It’s not nearly as much fun as hanging in basements talking relocalization with your fellow travellers. But you’d do some real good, and it would be a start.

    (Turnabout is fair play. So: you can expect my own announcement next year.I’m starting small. But I’ve promised a few folks I will. And, honestly, each and every one you should be on your Town Meeting, if not Select Board, and on various town commissions. If you put the same effort into making a name for yourself while taking genuine responsibility for your community (and,no shit, there’s little glory and a lotta hell in town management) that you do theorizing and ball-busting, well, the sky’d be the limit.  

  2. MIchael — thanks as always for the challenge and keeping us on our toes. I certainly agree on the need for Green-Rainbow party members to have “skin in the game” by running for local office and, if fortunate enough to be elected, serving as elected officials. Not an easy thing, as you know!

    Government can be run for the better, Greens can help make that happen, and serving provides much needed experience, insight, and credibility.

    I’m serving my 9th year on my local school committee — every year our legislature gives me a budget ax as a gift — and my spouse is likewise is serving her 3rd year on our town select board. I’m also serving a 3rd year on our local educational collaborative, and have been on the cultural council and energy committee. And I’ve used these experiences to inform the policies I’ve advocated for in races for state rep and state auditor.

    I agree, we absolutely do need more Greens to step forward at both the local and state level. But it’s wrong to say we aren’t already here. Greens do step forth, even though as a party,  we are small in number. Although there need to be many, many, more, there are Green-Rainbow party members already serving (or who have already served) on local boards and commissions across the state. These are usually non-partisan races, so it isn’t always noticed.

    But as much as I acknowledge the need for still more Greens to run for and serve in local elected office, I don’t see how you can both scold the GRP for only running two state rep/senate campaigns last year and lambaste running for legislature as a “classic melodramatic GRP suicide” in the very same post. Consecutive posts, maybe, but seriously, the very same one?  Your question can’t really be, “why aren’t you committing suicide?” can it?

    Of course, it isn’t suicide. And it’s not melodramatic. It’s needed.  

  3. Republican Ram Rod Radio

    I think she’d make a great match up against Scott Brown.  She’s bright, thinks quick on her feet, and has experience campaigning.  I’d like to see her push Brown on his EPA vote.  

    Anyone hear anything?

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