From the Green-Rainbow Party:
Vote in the Green-Rainbow Primary on “Super” Tuesday, March 6.
On March 6 you will have a chance to vote for peace, compassion, economic justice, women’s rights and environmental sanity. All you have to do is go to the polls and take a Green-Rainbow ballot. This opportunity is open to any voter who is registered in the Green-Rainbow Party or is un-enrolled (independent).
By taking a Green-Rainbow ballot, you’re saying no to politics as usual. You’ll be joining the growing number of voters who refuse to endorse bailouts, sellouts, negative advertising, trashing the environment, troop surges, attacks on Social Security and Medicare, piling college debt on students, state-sponsored assassinations, and sending American jobs overseas with ‘free trade’ treaties.
Three candidates will appear on our presidential ballot: Kent Mesplay, Harley Mikkelson, and Jill Stein. You may also write in a name or select “No Preference.” The results of this primary will be used to select delegates for the Green Party presidential nominating convention to be held in July. The “No Preference” vote will determine the number of delegates who go to the convention without a commitment to vote for any particular candidate. In some communities, you will also be able to vote for candidates for the GRP state committee and for GRP town committees.
Speak up with your vote on March 6! Take a Green-Rainbow Party ballot at the Massachusetts primaries and let your vote reflect your hope for a better world.
Claribel Santiago and Anthony Barrows, Co-chairs
Green-Rainbow Party
For information on the presidential candidates, see the links below.
(Note: Roseanne Barr is running for the Green Party nomination but did not announce in time for her name to appear on the Massachusetts ballot.)
On one hand we have Jill Stein who is a seasoned pro at losing elections. On the other hand we have fricken Roseanne Barr . . .
In a couple months we’ll all be sitting around wondering why the Green-Rainbow Party doesn’t get equal coverage by the media. Seriously, it will happen. In the next 2 months we will see Eli write a post about not being taken seriously by the media.