1. Republican Ram Rod Radio

    And fundamentally, progressives and unionists in Wisconsin also have to wrestle with the obvious problem that union members, to an astonishing degree, actually voted for Walker. According to the exit polls, 38 percent of union households in Wisconsin voted for him-even more than last time!

    How can that be Matthew Rothschild?  The Occupy Movement totally Occupied WI.  They brought drums and everything!  Remember when they stormed the capital and totally chanted and stuff!  Remember?  

  2. Republican Ram Rod Radio

    Yeah Matthew Rothschild something is seriously wrong!

    How can those stupid WI people vote for a Republican?  What are they stupid or something?

    I’ll bet those stupid WI voters wouldn’t know good leadership if it packed it’s bags and left the state!  http://www.reuters.com/article

  3. Republican Ram Rod Radio

    Obama wasn’t going to touch this with a 10 foot pole dude … you know that.  Especially toward the end when everyone knew Walker was going to win.  Obama couldn’t afford to look like a loser.

    Overall it’s not looking good for the Dems in 2012.  You guys really needed this win.  Maybe you can Occupy something?  How about a march somewhere?


  4. Republican Ram Rod Radio

    Now that’s how to stamp your feet when you don’t get your way!  

    Matthew … has anyone ever told you that you put the “Child” back in Rothschild?

  5. Republican Ram Rod Radio

    LOL – Dude they already do the bare minimum!  LOL : )

  6. Republican Ram Rod Radio

    There also was naivete. I was at a meeting of progressive activists and legislators shortly after Walker won the first time, and one of the legislators warned us that something terrible was going to come down soon. I asked how the unions were responding, and the legislator said, “They’re trying to hire the best Republican lobbyists they can find.”

    What?  Dude you do realize that most lobbying firms lobby for both party’s right?  

    And the legislator that said, “They’re trying to hire the best Republican lobbyists they can find” is playing a Jedi mind trick on you.  He wants you to believe that Democrats only hire lobbyists that are nice, and clean; whereas the Republicans hire lobbyists that are dirty and mean

    … and this shit is sooooo important that the Dems are trying to hire the MEAN DIRTY NASTY Republican lobbyists … but just this one time!

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