Well, this certainly news..

“On Thursday, two days after Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein received enough delegates to win the ticket, Roseanne took to Twitter asking, “I wonder if someone can tell me if I am still a candidate for green party presidential nominee or not?”

“Isn’t that something you should know if you want to be the leader of the free world?” a posting on Twitchy responded.


From Ms. Barr’s Media & Comm person: “I agree with your perception on this. But this is her Twitter and this is microblogging and like anything else is not official until it is made official by the campaign. She is “rogue” on her own Twitter and the official one is #roseanne_2012. On her Twitter it is almost like she is thinking aloud. Her thoughts come out and then she backtracks. This is how she communicates to her followers. This is her PERSONAL Twitter, let me reiterate that.”

“Rogue on her own Twitter.” Holy shit. Baltimore’s going to be a blast.


  1. eli_beckerman

    I am relieved that a poorly-known but smart, thoughtful, passionate, and articulate candidate like Stein soundly prevailed over celebrity.

    The doubts about Barr are many-fold, and she certainly does not represent the best the Green Party has to offer. And if she goes on to found a “Green Tea Party”, I think the Baltimore GPUS convention will be that much more focused on the task at hand.

  2. michael horan

    Whew. Apparently Cynthia “Long Live Quadafi!” McKinney had a chit chat with Ms Barr, who “feels better now.”

    More from Ms Barr:

    Almost every single Green Party person of color voted4 me.

    I’m trying to figure out how she determined this?

    It makes me wonder what the GP is truly thinking (up in the small enclave that decides party opinion which leads to matching funds)

    Hmmm. The enclave works in mysterious ways, Roseanne. Lemme tell ya.

    my thoughts are that axelrod and emanuel got rid of universal health care (hillary was our shot) to appease Netanyahu-Lieberman

    Yep. That was it, exactly. Oh, please, Dr Stein, make Ms Barr your running mate!

    Jill Stein remains fairly MOOT on the issue of Israel-Palestine-Has the Green Party taken an oath of silence on GAZA? study group my ASS

    All new GP members  are required to take a series of oaths, Roseanne, during the initial ritual.

    am still in the running for the Green Party nomination, though I did think of running indie, I won’t til aftr delegates vote (june 8)

    I’ve chosen 2 stay & fight 4 the Black Caucus& the emerging diverse population of Greens who chose me almst unanimously across the country.

    hmmmm. again, wondering as to her sources.

    I was pleased though shocked to see Stein ‘borrow’ my idea of Libertarian/Green Coalition- in SF, her ppl expressed dislike 4 that idea!

    I’m guessing that candidates from all the parties are busy pilfering Barr’s, umm, “ideas.” Who wouldn’t?

    Roseanne Barr @TheRealRoseanne

    seriously, if this race gets any closer between robme & obama-I will totally support Obama-w money and everything else

    Golly, a modicum of sense.

    Seriously, I almost feel sorry for Jill. She should never have even acknowledged RB–a thoroughgoing crackpot.  

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