
Oh yes team green . . .

In heavy voting, Gov. Scott Walker drew 53% of the vote to Democratic challenger Tom Barrett’s 46% in Tuesday’s recall election. The results were a virtual reprise of the 2010 election, when Walker defeated Barrett, Milwaukee’s mayor, 52%-46%.

WOW the ass wipes in the Occupy Movement were just wasting their time … who would have guessed?  

One thing is for sure … WI loves Governor Walker!  


  1. michael horan

    Since you claim that “WI loves Walker,” would you care to note how much outside-the-state-cash loved Walker?

    I’m not going to suggest that money was everything–there were any number of factors in play. But you’re a player–you’re not so naive as to believe, nor so unkind as to think of me as so naive to believe, that democracy remains untarnished by the boatloads of cash Walker’s very well off friends poured into this?

    Your run of the mill douchebaggery notwithstanding, as for Occupy–this was failure on the part of the Democratic Party and the unions.

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