Citizens For Limited Taxation sent me its 2012 candidate questionnaire.  My answers were submitted to it on August 10, 2012.

Questions are in text blocks.

My answers are in italics.

My campaign responds to all questionnaires and publishes all answers sent.

Citizens for Limited Taxation

CLT’s 2 ½ PAC

Candidate Questionnaire 2012

Name:  Lee Scott Laugenour / Friends for Scott Laugenour

Address:  PO Box 612 / Lenox MA  01240-0612

Phone: 413 551 9222


District:  State Rep 4th Berkshire

Party:  Green-Rainbow

Web Site:

1. Do you support reducing the state income tax rate to 5% as voters approved in 2000?  (The legislature froze this rate at 5.3%, then dropped it this year to 5.25%).

NO.  I believe that significantly increasing the personal exemption is a better mechanism for lowering the overall tax burden on low and middle income taxpayers.

If yes, by what date?


Will you make this reduction a major issue in your campaign?

YES, for middle and lower income taxpayers my tax plan of exempting the first $46,000 of income from state income tax will result in many taxpayers paying a net rate of less than 5%.

2.  True fees cover the cost of the service provided.  Recent taxes parading as fees include the tax on self-paying nursing home residents.  Would you support repeal of this tax?

I do not support relying on flat fees to fund essential public services because such fees contribute to the already regressive nature of the tax system.  I have read some of the articles that come up on CLTG’s web site under a search of ‘nursing home tax,’ which are helpful, but I will need to research the tax some more before taking a position on modifying or repealing it.

3.  Do you approve of any changes in Proposition 2 ½?

NO, nothing that comes to mind but I’m open to considering any idea presented that would increase tax fairness in Massachusetts.

4.  Would you support allowing Prop 2 ½ overrides to be scheduled only for a statewide November ballot?


5.  If the state budget isn’t balanced, which of the following measures would you support?

a) cut state spending


b) raise taxes


c) increase fees


d) require businesses to pay more


e) other

(I will respond to a specific suggestion.)

6.  The Legislature increased the sales tax to 6.25%.  Do you favor lowering the rate back to 5%?

YES.  In conjunction with a raising sufficient revenue by progressive means.

7.  Do you support a DECREASE in any other taxes?

Before voting on any tax decrease I would ask for an independent assessment on whether the change would result in a more progressive distribution of the tax burden or a more regressive distribution of the tax burden.  Given that the current tax burden of state taxes, local taxes, and fees is regressive – hitting lower and middle income taxpayers and communities harder –  I would vote against any change that would not bring about a shift towards greater tax fairness.

8.  Do you support an INCREASE in any taxes?

Before voting on any tax increase I would ask for an independent assessment on whether the change would result in a more progressive distribution of the tax burden or a more regressive distribution of the tax burden.  Given that the current tax burden of state taxes, local taxes, and fees is regressive – hitting lower and middle income taxpayers and communities harder –  I would vote against any change that would not bring about a shift towards greater tax fairness.

9.  Do you support legislation protecting Massachusetts property owners from the US Supreme Court’s decision on eminent domain?

Yes.  I disagreed with the 2005 Kelo v. City of New London Supreme Court decision, on which this question is based.  Allowing the use of eminent domain to effectively and forcibly transfer ownership of real property from one private entity to another concerns me.  Eminent domain should only be used for purely public enterprises.  I need to further research current Massachusetts law before determining what specific legislation is needed, if it’s not currently in place, to safeguard property rights in cases like this.

10.  Should ballot questions passed by voters like the state income tax rollback be:

a) honored by the legislature or changed only with proponents’ or voters’ consent


b) changed at the legislature’s discretion

YES, but only in a future legislative session

Questions on the campaign

1.  Campaign Manager and

Prior campaign experience.

Kalin Jordan has been a candidate for State Rep and has worked on three other campaigns.

2.  Have you or your campaign manager attended a campaign school?


3.  Cite three reasons why you think you have a good change of winning in this particular district.

a) We are getting excellent response in our door-to-door voter outreach.  This is a two-way race where voters have an opportunity to choose between voting to keep things the way they are or voting for real progressive change

b) We are building on the experience of our 2010 campaign

c) We do not affiliate with parties that solicit corporate lobbyist funding, as our opponent does

4.  How much have you raised so far?

We have raised three times what we raised at the same time in 2010.

5.  Would you like CLT’s 2-1/2 PAC’s endorsement?

I appreciate any group’s consideration for endorsement and thank you for sending the questionnaire to me.  I understand that one of your conditions for endorsement is my signature on the following ‘taxpayer protection pledge’  which I am unwilling to sign as written.

MA Taxpayer Protection Pledge

6.  Would you accept a CLT’s 2-1/2 PAC contribution?

Only on condition that you certify that your PAC rejects money from corporate lobbyists or from officers of corporations that hire lobbyists.

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