MA Citizens for Life sent me its 2012 candidate questionnaire.
Questions are in text blocks.
My answers are in italics.
My campaign responds to all questionnaires and publishes all answers sent.
2012 Candidate Questionnaire
1. Would you vote for legislation that bans partial-birth abortion?
2. Would you vote for a law which makes the unborn child a second victim when a crime is committed against a pregnant woman?
3. Would you vote for or sponsor A Woman’s Right to Know Act / “Laura’s Law,” which would offer women facts about both abortion and childbirth and provide a 24-hour “reflection period?”
Patients undergoing any medical operation must be informed of the probabilities of the various risks that are associated with the procedure. I would need to do more research on how effective current legislation and practice is on this matter before taking a position on this bill.
4. Would you vote for legislation that bans sex selection abortion?
5. Would you vote for legislation requiring a woman to have the option to see an ultrasound of her unborn child prior to an abortion?
6. Would you support legislation that would prohibit abortion coercion?
I would need to be presented with a clear definition of what coercion is before answering this question.
7. Would you vote for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which would require that no abortion should be done after 20 weeks because there is substantial evidence that unborn children can feel pain at this point?
8. Are you opposed to Doctor-Prescribed Suicide (aka “Death With Dignity”)?
Candidate Name: Lee Scott Laugenour
Date: August 27, 2012
Telephone: 413 241 7327
Party Affiliation: Green-Rainbow
Office Sought/District: State Rep / 4th Berkshire