It’s a sure thing that the majority party will offer Robert DeLeo up for confirmation as House Speaker when the next legislative session convenes in January 2013.

As I stated when I obtained a spot on the ballot, I will vote AGAINST confirming Robert DeLeo or any candidate of similar ilk.

My opponent, William ‘Smitty’ Pignatelli, should be asked, if he is re-elected, if he would vote once again to confirm Robert DeLeo.  If the media doesn’t ask him I’ll do so in a debate or on the campaign trail.  

Advocates of progressive legislation such as the Bottle Bill and Mass Muni Choice are becoming tired of hearing the old refrain that their ‘allies’ in the State House are doing all they can to advance legislation, only to be told that it’s the House Speaker who is blocking progress.

When these ‘allies’ continue to vote to confirm a House Speaker who then subverts good legislation by refusing to allow the bills to come out of committee or to allow a vote, then those ‘allies’ are complicit in the problem.

In addition to 1) the Bottle Bill and 2) the Mass Muni Choice bill.  And in addition to 3) the hundreds of thousands of dollars in lobbyist campaign contributions that DeLeo accepts – even in a non-election year – my campaign is assembling a list of additional reasons to vote NO on DeLeo’s confirmation next January.

We would like to hear from you what else should be put on the list, please post additional reasons within this thread as comments, post a message on the campaign’s Facebook page, or send an e-mail to us at

After just a few interviews with frustrated advocacy organizations we are sure that the list will become long.  We’ll use the list very effectively in our campaign in this two-way race, where voters have a choice to vote to keep things the way they are or to vote for real progressive change.

I will be stand up to read this list on the floor of the House when the confirmation of the House Speaker comes up for a vote in explaining my NO vote.

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