1. michael horan

    While I’m still unhappy with the idea that voters are basing so much one issue–the idea that any so-called “progressives”  supported Scott Brown because they felt that the healthcare bill didn’t go far enough appalls me beyond belief (we’re already paying the damn price for his ascension-well, some of us are), and that a new ad-hoc party is forming simply to counter Democrats who felt that it went too far has me scratching my head a bit–I’m nevertheless genuinely glad to see the unions flexing some muscle, and showing that they are willing to back up their support of the healthcare bill and the working people it will indubitably assist. I’m dying to see a real backlash against those who voted against it, Democrats and Republicans alike,and I suspect that by November we will.

    As for Lynch, while Harmony Wu just bowed out of a primary contest, there IS an independent candidate mounting a challenge. His name is Phil Dunkelbarger, he ran against Lynch as a Democrat in the primaries a few years back, and if you live in his district (9th Congressional), I hope you’ll consider supporting his campaign. Never a fan of Lynch myself, I was disgusted with vote on the healthcare bill. He fell prey to the sentiment of the moment, feared that the teabagger types would support a GOP candidate–and TOTALLY misread the  signals (as more than a few folks have, as everyone cherry picks the surveys and interpretations that best suit their own conclusions).

    Burn, witch, burn.

  2. daveschwab

    Or should I say the Working For Democrats party.

    The WFP in NY, while it occasionally gets press for bucking the Democrats, works hand-in-hand with them 90% of the time. In fact, the WFP often endorses machine Democrats over progressive challengers just to curry favor with the big boys. Also, some big recent WFP corruption scandals have provided red meat for the union-haters. But after you crawl into bed with the corrupt NY Democratic Party, you’re bound to get up with something nasty.

    It’s nice that they’ll very occasionally show some spine, but the WFP does more harm to progressives than good. They get fat checks from Dem bosses, and I guess that was enough for them to falsely claim that Cindy Sheehan endorsed the WFP ticket in 2006 (she really endorsed the Greens, the only party with anti-war candidates… but we didn’t have anything like the WFP’s advertising budget to get the truth out). Greens in NY missed our ballot status target by less than 10,000 votes that year, while the WFP raked in votes for Spitzer, Paterson, and Clinton.

    Maybe I’d have more tolerance for their corruption and anti-progressive strategy if they weren’t trying to suppress the Green vote, but the last thing progressives in this country need is more WFP clones.

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