The following is from OpenMedia Boston. I’ve seen Ms. Mai’s work, and she is not only a TERRIFIC photographer–she shows up. We complain about our non-access to mainstream media–here’s a chance to support the best alterna media channel in Boston. HIT THE LINK AT END for how to help.


Last week our ace staff photographer Diana Mai had all her camera equipment (and a Dell laptop) stolen from her Mission Hill apartment.  

Boston Police believe the thief jimmied the old latch on her back door or simply came in one of the ground floor windows her landlord has thoughtfully refused to upgrade for the last two years.

In any case, Diana just graduated Northeastern University (yay!) and no longer has access to equipment from school; so this theft couldn’t come at a worse time. She’s just getting her career started, and can’t do any work in a trade she’s very very talented at until she gets new equipment. Plus, like most of our staff, she comes from a working class family that can’t afford to just buy her new equipment.

So we’re calling upon everyone who checks out OMB from week-to-week to help out. Please donate any amount that you can as fast as you can. Diana’s old equipment was worth about $2,000. We’d like to raise at least $3,000 to get her the latest gear that will last her a few years. This would let us buy her a lower-level pro DSLR body and a couple of lenses.

Here are 2 ways you can donate to help Diana out.

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