(All the more reason why it’s important for the Green-Rainbow Party to field more candidates for local office. Thanks for your leadership, Scott. – promoted by eli_beckerman)

The following is the cover letter I wrote yesterday to accompany my answers to ten questions from the Massachusetts Citizens for Life.  YES answers on the questionnaire indicate agreement with MCFL‘s position.  MCFL describes itself as the “commonwealth’s largest pro-life organization.”

Thank you for inviting me to respond to questions in MCFL’s 2010 Candidate Questionnaire, which I’ve signed and enclosed.

Of the ten questions, I have answered NO on six.

I have answered YES to indicate support for legislation that would prohibit coercion (Question 8).  ‘Coercion’ would need to be properly defined in the legislation, but as a general principle I believe that a woman should be free to consult any doctors whom she trusts to receive any range of advice that she desires.  Anyone providing professional medical or personal advice on so important a topic must be informed and respectful of the woman’s right to make her own decision.  Coercion for or against any legal decision that a woman may make should be prohibited in any professional counseling.

Three questions I have left blank.  For two of them, my support or opposition would depend on the particulars of the legislation.  In the case of question 3, the questionnaire lumps “Laura’s Law” and “A Woman’s Right to Know Act” together.  In my understanding of these two examples of legislation, which are in place in several other states, they address different social issues.  Please let me know if there is a specific Massachusetts  proposal that is different from what has been passed in other states.

We have much to learn from other countries that have been more successful than we in reducing unwanted pregnancy and abortion rates.  Thank you again for your work in educating voters about my positions, and those of other candidates, on these important issues.


Lee Scott Laugenour


4th Berkshire District State Representative

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