1. michael horan

    Right. Got it. Preaching to the choir here.

    I think the Greens as a whole have largely absorbed this.

    What I don’t see from Heinberg is

    1. how we get this message out in such a way that it reaches the unconverted — and converts them. His new book is likely to be read by none others than those who already got the message. We got the data, but we’re just spinning our wheels now talking to each other about this. Meanwhile, the Koch-etc-fueled anti-enviro campaign is trouncing us left and right. 350.org has been a total bust, etc.

    2. how we create a new economy and make the “new normal” palatable. has Heinberg farmed, run a successful business, etc? nomore data, no more theory–lots more dirt under the fingernails, please.

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