1. Republican Ram Rod Radio

    There’s more than enough money in Massachusetts for everyone to have a good job, decent wages and the public services they need-as long as corporate CEOs and the rich do their part.

     I’d like to see someone cite that piece of bull shit.  

    NEWS FLASH – CEOs don’t owe you anything.  Their job is to make profits for their shareholders, not make sure everyone in your neigborhood has a job.   .

  2. eli_beckerman

    When billionaire mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that the New York Police Department would be cleaning (clearing) the Liberty Square / Zuccotti Park Occupy Wall Street encampment, protesters recognized it as an eviction notice and put out an emergency call to action for people to join their ranks overnight. Thousands of people answered the call before sunrise, and Brookfield Asset Management and Bloomberg backed down. Here’s what a massive and successful eviction blockade looks like:

    From the focus on the banks to eviction blockades and other nonviolent civil disobedience, there’s lots of common ground to be forged between these movements and others.

    The coordinated actions by Mass Uniting and Occupy Boston led to Mayor Menino’s decision to toughen up against these protests, and assert that he “will not tolerate civil disobedience in the city of Boston.”

    We’ll see what you’ll tolerate, Mister Mayor. We’ll see. And we’ll see what the people of Boston will tolerate from their elected officials as well.

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