1. Republican Ram Rod Radio

    And it’s a shame that the guys running this blog don’t mention any of it.  This is something Eli should have told you a long time ago.  But he didn’t because he doesn’t have the heart!  

    That’s where I come in!

    Jill Stein is not QUALIFIED to be president of the United States.  Let’s just get that out in the open. She is not a serious contender for the job and with a presidential pick like this I wonder if Team Green should be considered a serious political party in the US.  

    Jill Stein has zero experience in politics ZERO!  Unless you count the number of times she ran (and lost) for elected office.

    * She ran for Gov of MA in 2002 … lost

    * She ran for House of Reps in 2004 … lost

    * Secretary of the Commonwealth 2006 … lost

    * ran for Gov again in 2010 … lost

    Seriously, I can’t wait for Stein to play the old “Third Party candidates don’t get enough air time” card.

  2. Republican Ram Rod Radio


    Coming Soon: We are working on adding an issues section. Please stay tuned. For the timebeing, please check out the Green New Deal for an in-depth program for moving America to a secure, green economy for all.

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  3. Republican Ram Rod Radio

    On the right hand side of this page under the “Then and Now” section, the editors at GreenMassGroup (Basically Eli posted it up) wrote  . . .


    “Last year Evergreen, a Massachusetts company, agreed to establish their first-ever United States based manufacturing facility here in Massachusetts. They did so, or are doing so, at Devens. They have now agreed and chosen to triple their size at Devens. Their next phase of expansion, right here in Massachusetts, a signature company in a signature sector, and we congratulate all of the folks at Evergreen and look forward to continuing to work with you… We made a personal commitment to Evergreen for the sake of Evergreen, but also because we wanted to show that there are ways in which state government, in working together with private industry and with the utility companies, could begin to create a different kind of environment, a different kind of business climate here, to grow that sector, and it is happening. It’s happening. Evergreen is one of the most prominent examples, but there are a whole host of examples.”

    –Governor Deval Patrick, April 7, 2008, boasting about state investment in Evergreen.


    “Evergreen Solar Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection yesterday, completing a stunning reversal of fortune for a high-flying alternative-energy company that once seemed to herald a new era for the Massachusetts economy… At its peak, Evergreen employed roughly 900 people locally and attracted more than $50 million in state support, as its stock price soared above $100 a share.

    Yesterday, Evergreen’s stock closed at 18 cents. The company shuttered its manufacturing plant in Devens earlier this year and now has only 85 employees left. Massachusetts is one of its top creditors, owed $1.5 million in rent.”

    –Erin Ailworth, Boston Globe, August 16, 2011

    One of the main tenets of Jill Stein’s “Green New Deal” is “A GREEN TRANSITION”

    The second priority of the Green New Deal is a Green Transition Program that will convert the old, gray economy into the new green economy. We will do this by shifting to green technologies and sustainable ways of making things. … If you are someone who wants to start a small business or cooperative in the green economy or in providing for other vital community needs, you will find an ally in the Green Transition Program.


    She’s going to hand out grants to a specific business sector because why?  Because she believes green businesses are too important to fail.  I’ve heard this all before and it usually ends bad.  

    But for a minute, let’s agree that Government should pick winners and losers in the business sector. Question: Should Jill Stein be the one making these picks?  What experience does she have?  How do we know if she is capable of making these kinds of decisions? Let’s look at her record . . .

    She is a Doctor by profession.  She was elected as a town meeting rep for Lexington in 2005 and in 2008.  Add in 2 failed attempts at Governor in MA, a failed attempt at state rep in MA, and a failed attempt at Sec of the Commonwealth … AND NOW SHE THINKS SHE’S READY TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE US? Seriously?  

    Somehow Jill Stein is going to pull us out of this miserable recession by handing over tax payer money to the Solyndra’s and Evergreen Solar’s of the world.  WOW!


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