(I’d be curious to see evidence of adverse health impacts. – promoted by eli_beckerman)

I submitted testimony to the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Public Health today as part of the process being undertaken for the Commonwealth to set appropriate siting standards for wind turbines.  The public comment period closes on March 19, 2012.

Please join me in calling for reparations if health impacts are confirmed.  It is clear that some wind turbines have been sited too close to peoples’ homes.

The work that an independent panel conducted for DEP/DPH is incomplete.

To:  DEP / DPH

I reviewed the report of the independent expert panel, attended the public meeting that DEP and DPH hosted on February 28, 2012 in Lee, MA.

I submit the following comments:

1.  Lack of site visits is a serious deficiency.  Although DEP/DPH charged the independent expert panel with ‘possible’ visits to wind turbine sites, it appears that the panel did not make any visits to Falmouth, where residents have testified to living within 1/4 mile of large (2+ megawatt) turbines.  The lack of such site visits is a serious deficiency in the work of any panel that is charged with researching wind turbines.  To the degree that no site visits were made by the panel to speak to residents and workers in close proximity to such facilities, and to the degree that the health care providers and records in these locales were not consulted, please address this deficiency by collecting additional data before recommending siting standards for wind turbines and prior to making policy that purports to take health concerns into effect.  The voices that you heard at the public meetings – especially from Falmouth residents – must not be ignored.

2.  Health studies are long overdue, as are siting standards.  The delay is egregious.

3.  Reparations are due to those whose health has been affected.  It was shocking to this layperson to hear of people living as close as 1/4 mile to large wind turbine facilities.  When comprehensive siting standards are developed which guide future wind turbine projects I hope the Department of Public Health will join me in calling upon the Commonwealth to establish a fund that would deliver reparations to families and communities whose health has been adversely affected by wind turbine facilities that were cited prior to the establishment of such standards.

Thank you for your due consideration and vigilant mitigating of the health and environmental affects of wind turbine siting as the Commonwealth strives to promote new energy sources.

Lee Scott Laugenour

Berkshire Hampshire Franklin and Hampden Senatorial District Representative

Green-Rainbow Party State Committee

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