(Roseanne making the guillotine and re-education camps cool again. – promoted by eli_beckerman)

Yes Team Green – Green Party Candidate Roseanne Barr is making the rounds … and here is a little quote from an interview she had with Russia Today . . .

“Part of my platform is, of course, the guilty must be punished and that we no longer let our children see their guilty leaders getting away with murder. Because it teaches children, you know, that they don’t have to have any morals as long as they have guns and are bullies and I don’t think that’s a good message,” Barr told Russia Today (RT).

Isn’t it refreshing to finally have a president that is against murder?  WOW!

The Green Party Presidential hopeful went on to say . . .

“I do say that I am in favor of the return of the guillotine and that is for the worst of the worst of the guilty.”


To which the interviewer agreed “you’re singing to the choir on this show, we’ve been advocating for the return of the guillotine for years now” said the host of “The Keiser Report” on Russia Today.  

Roseanne responded with

“Oh well fantastic we think alike in many ways.”

You can watch the interview here if you don’t believe me =>



  1. Yes, and her candicacy is becoming one long bad joke. On us. If  this is her idea of humor, it’s a bit too cutting edge for me.  

  2. michael horan

    The Green Party really needs folks like Ms Barr. Too much earnestness is deadly, and the Party really needs to lighten up, to laugh at itself and its foibles (and its candidates for that matter, who need the occasional thrashing),to stop pretending that it is possessed of any singular “wisdom” lacking in the rest of us. The presence of a few (smart) buffoons would go a long way.

    But it absolutely does not need what is literally a clown running for the party’s presidential nomination. And rival candidate Stein, rather than issuing all that patently transparent bullshit about “welcoming” Ms Barr to the race, should have laid down the hammer from the start.

    Unfortunately, you’re not going to get much press, because Ms Barr’s presence isn’t even the least serious thing about yet another goofy children’s crusade for the White House which will squander hundreds of thousands of dollars and a whole lot of time and energy, and at the end of the day, will produce pretty much what Stein’s previous runs have (did party registrations skyrocket? did fundraising soar afterwards?).

    Want press? Get a candidate like Jill to run for Select Board, then State House. Spend four years or so proving that she is capable of managing and governing right there in Lexington–dealing with budgets, compromising to get shit done, fielding the regular heat from constituents. Any damn fool can make high-flown speeches about How Everything Is All F’d Up, but that ability does not a govern-or make.

    There are, what, around 160 state house seats open, and 9 congressional seats. I believe Greens are running in,uh, one of these races. Why on earth would someone run for an unattainable office, thereby guaranteeing that no one, from donors to the press, are going to pay him/her any attention, when s/he could run for an office s/he might win?

    I have my own guesses.

    This isn’t my war no more, but I know that eventually I’m going to hear about how the big, bad Democrats prevented Jill’s voice from being heard, etc. Based on her previous numbers, plenty of people heard it, and they either didn’t like what they heard or didn’t trust the messenger–and frankly, your frontrunner’s work experience doesn’t suggest she’s qualified to run a deli, much less, oh, the biggest business operation on the planet.

    You’ll be taken seriously when you take yourselves seriously, and you’ll do that by running candidates qualified for the office they’re seeking in districts where they stand at least a remore possibility of winning.    

    And the worst part is–you KNOW that. The GRP spent a looong time developing an important sounding “Strategic Plan” which emphasized doing just what I suggested. And then found candidates willing to do the same (2010). What happened? Stein decided to run for governor, the strategy was tossed right out the window, and the one race which you might have won (Mark Miller’s) was treated as an afterthought. Imagine that the energy and money that flowed into Stein’s gubernatorial campaign had instead gone to Mark’s…

    Now, history repeats itself.    

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