The Real Story The headlines are familiar: The economy is fragile, Economists meeting in Denver share gloom as they consider next step, unemployment is high: one in 10 Americans is unemployed – not counting the people whose unemployment benefits ran out – and in communities of color, the unemployment rate is higher. We turn on the TV and see images of fear and anger that fan the politics of division.
We at the Alliance to Develop Power, however, also see a different story, one where solutions are being shaped by the people most affected by policies created to benefit the minority of wealthy institutions and people. Where respect, dignity and shared prosperity are valued. Where everyday people are coming together to build vibrant sustainable communities. Where all people are valued and participating fully in our democracy. This version of the story may not make it into the headlines at FOX news, but it will be front and center at our ADP Convention 2010 on Oct. 16.
More than 700 community delegates will be in attendance to continue to move forward our vision and to celebrate our many gains of the last year, including:
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