michael horan

McSweeney’s has been running a first rate series on reasons to vote for Obama.

I was struck by today’s (number 13), especially this:

After that I learned to appreciate Obama in a different way. I appreciated that he inhabited a world in which idealism-and ideology-could never by sheer force of will overcome objective reality, and the hard compromises, uneasy truces, and constant errors that must be made to live in that world. I especially felt better about this position when I learned that John McCain carried an indian feather around FOR LUCK. This was not how I wanted my country run. By myth and superstition and magic tokens.

And, in that real world, I began to appreciate, winning matters. And not just that election. Those who hate how far the legislative Frankenstein’s monster called the Affordable Care Act lurched away from the promethean ideal of what it could have been are not wrong. Those who, for this reason, cheered for its failure were dumb. Whether the fight should have been joined just then is a discussion that countless armchair quarterbacks and alternate history novelists can debate, sterilely, forever. Once it WAS joined, that win was galvanizing…

What I’m missing, in the Stein/Honkala account, is a recognition that half the country adamantly does not share our views on most anything. Like the author of this piece suggests, that doesn’t make ’em bad people; but it does mean that, willy nilly, their voices, too, count (nor are they simply dumb-asses misled by their corporate whoremasters–they have their own traditions and values, and simply identifying those with whom we disagree as simply brainwashed by FOX agitprop (which isn’t suggest that it’s negligible, either, is the highest form of condescension).

And they have representation, and lots of it. And a Green President, like any other, would be forced to compromise at every turn, from the moment she takes the Oath. After a year in office, a Green President will look remarkably unlike a Green candidate and probaby find herself with a back full of arrows aimed by her disgruntled supporters).

That is, if she wants to get anything whatsoever done. But of Greens really wanted to get something done, they’d actually be running for offices that they might win, thereby giving them that opportunity.

Continue reading Ninety Reasons to Vote for Obama

About time the candidate got a nickname. “Dr” is so stuffy (seriously, btw–this “Dr.” business is a misguided tactic. One of Dr.Stein’s strengths is that everyone thinks of her as “Jill.” That’s a plus, even, maybe especially, in a big-time race).

But I’m curious as to whether Ms. Stein has ever touted this, or whether Mr Bie is making it up as he goes along:

“Marijuana is the key to our climate and energy needs…. the US can fulfill all its current energy usage and needs merely by growing Hemp for seed oil and biomass… Jill Stein with her Green New Deal will initiate sweeping reforms that will Legalize Marijuana and institute a Hempen Clean-Energy-based Green Economy. With Hemp, we can raise our own fuel that doesn’t cause Global Warming. Hemp grows so fast, that the US can be energy-independent in a matter of weeks, with never a need for Fracking, Pipelines, “Natural” Gas, Gasoline, Oil, Coal, or Nuclear Power. Drilling Alaska and the Gulf indeed!

I’m all for legalization, and “Ganja Jill” certainly caused my ears to prick up, but a hemp based economy?  

Continue reading “Ganga Jill Stein” and the Hempen-Clean- Energy-based-Green- Economy

Well, this certainly news..

“On Thursday, two days after Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein received enough delegates to win the ticket, Roseanne took to Twitter asking, “I wonder if someone can tell me if I am still a candidate for green party presidential nominee or not?”

“Isn’t that something you should know if you want to be the leader of the free world?” a posting on Twitchy responded.


From Ms. Barr’s Media & Comm person: “I agree with your perception on this. But this is her Twitter and this is microblogging and like anything else is not official until it is made official by the campaign. She is “rogue” on her own Twitter and the official one is #roseanne_2012. On her Twitter it is almost like she is thinking aloud. Her thoughts come out and then she backtracks. This is how she communicates to her followers. This is her PERSONAL Twitter, let me reiterate that.”

“Rogue on her own Twitter.” Holy shit. Baltimore’s going to be a blast.


Big [Bad] Ag will be pouring lotsa money into the 2012 races. Those of you who support organic farming, sustainable agriculture, and relocalized economies can fight back by supporting candidates who support the same.  Case in point: The Local Farms, Food, and Jobs Act has been introduced as part of the 2012 Farm Bill.

It’s a good Act-a step in the right direction–and it’s endorsed by MA Senate candidate Marisa DeFranco (the only candidate for Senate in MA  who talks about sustainable agriculture and cutting subsidies to Big Ag). If this is on your radar, please consider making a donation to the one candidate who addresses these critical issues and stands up for local, organic, sustainable food networks.  You can contribute to Marisa DeFranco here:

Join the conversation by LIKING her Senate page here

The other candidate in this race is raking in big money from some very suspect sources (more on that later). The only way to get OUR concerns promoted and talked about in these races is to put our money where our mouths are. $25 will help ensure that a genuine people’s candidate has the ability to make your voice heard contributing (more will ensure that it’s amplified!).  And when you DO contribute, pass along a note explaining that you expect to hear more on whatever issue it is that matters most you-especially if  it’s the relocalized, sustainability realm!

BTW, this Act is also endorsed by the Northeast Organic Framing Association. As noted in a post below, I’ll be at their always entertaining, eye-opening  all-day conference in Worcester on January 14. If you’re going-and you can walk-in register-and want to learn more about the Farm Bill, there’s a workshop on the Farm Bill, 3:30-5pm.  

Continue reading Support Candidates Who Support Small Organic Farms and Relocalized Food Networks

Have seen talk among Greens and others about a move to draft Feingold to primary Obama. Not happening. Quite the opposite:

“When I said on election night last year that it `was on to 2012,’ I meant it. As I said those words I was especially thinking of the need to re-elect President Obama. I will be working to re-elect him and hope to play a significant role in that effort.”

For some,of course, this will simply be another indication that even the most progressive Democrat suffers from that Original Sin that causes them to buckle and knuckle under: My Party Uber Alles (not that Greens don’t do preciusely the same thing). My take: sane progressives know how important it to maintain what we got while creeping forward (at a pace that dismays us all, but that’s reality).

In any case,scratch him from your wish list (and mine–he’s the only one in the Democratic Party whom I felt could have pulled it off–not that we would have won).

Continue reading Feingold: “I’m Not Running for Anything”