It’s a sure thing that the majority party will offer Robert DeLeo up for confirmation as House Speaker when the next legislative session convenes in January 2013.

As I stated when I obtained a spot on the ballot, I will vote AGAINST confirming Robert DeLeo or any candidate of similar ilk.

My opponent, William ‘Smitty’ Pignatelli, should be asked, if he is re-elected, if he would vote once again to confirm Robert DeLeo.  If the media doesn’t ask him I’ll do so in a debate or on the campaign trail.  

Advocates of progressive legislation such as the Bottle Bill and Mass Muni Choice are becoming tired of hearing the old refrain that their ‘allies’ in the State House are doing all they can to advance legislation, only to be told that it’s the House Speaker who is blocking progress.

When these ‘allies’ continue to vote to confirm a House Speaker who then subverts good legislation by refusing to allow the bills to come out of committee or to allow a vote, then those ‘allies’ are complicit in the problem.

Continue reading Reasons to Vote AGAINST Confirming the Speaker

There was a story in the July 31, 2012 Berkshire Eagle about Rep. William “Smitty” Pignatelli being fined $250 for a ‘campaign finance gaffe.’  His campaign treasurer worked for the town of Lenox, which is a violation of campaign finance law.  The full story is pasted at the end of this diary.

In response to several media inquiries for a statement from me I released the following:

I would not want to be found in violation of campaign finance laws.  I’m surprised that Representative Pignatelli stated to the Berkshire Eagle that he was not aware of the matter until OCPF did its investigation.  I can reasonably assume that the town of Lenox had notified his treasurer, Ms. Pero about the matter in August 2011.  It should have been an easy matter to research and take appropriate action then.  I have high praise for the Office of Campaign and Political Finance.  OCPF staff and its web site have always been extremely helpful in assisting candidates like Rep. Pignatelli and me to comply with the campaign finance laws of Massachusetts when a modest effort is made by such candidates to learn the rules.

My statement continues, along with relevant appendices.

Continue reading My Opponent’s Campaign Finance Gaffe