{ Thank you, Hallmark, for honoring this call to disarm for so many years }

Julia Ward Howe’s Mother’s Day Proclamation – 1870

Arise then…women of this day!

Arise, all women who have hearts!

Whether your baptism be of water or of tears!

Say firmly:

“We will not have questions answered by irrelevant agencies,

Our husbands will not come to us, reeking with carnage,

For caresses and applause.

Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn

All that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience.

We, the women of one country,

Will be too tender of those of another country

To allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs.”

From the bosom of a devastated Earth a voice goes up with

Our own. It says: “Disarm! Disarm!

The sword of murder is not the balance of justice.”

Blood does not wipe out dishonor,

Nor violence indicate possession.

As men have often forsaken the plough and the anvil

At the summons of war,

Let women now leave all that may be left of home

For a great and earnest day of counsel.

Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead.

Let them solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means

Whereby the great human family can live in peace…

Each bearing after his own time the sacred impress, not of Caesar,

But of God –

In the name of womanhood and humanity, I earnestly ask

That a general congress of women without limit of nationality,

May be appointed and held at someplace deemed most convenient

And the earliest period consistent with its objects,

To promote the alliance of the different nationalities,

The amicable settlement of international questions,

The great and general interests of peace.

Continue reading Arise then… women of this day!

Ladies and Gentlemen for the week of May 7 – May 11 we learned what it takes to be a leader!  Oh yes Lee Scott Laugenour!  I’m talking to YOU!

What does it take to be a leader?  It depends on who you ask.  According to Republican Ram Rod Radio a leader is out in front, answering the tough questions!  A leader leads by example! And a leader is HONEST!  

1.)A LEADER IS OUT IN FRONT, ANSWERING THE TOUGH QUESTIONS: Some of you guys remember last week’s Round Up where I called attention to Lee Scott Laugenour’s refusal to answer the simple question … Did you pay the MA State Income tax rate of 5.3% or did you pay the super Liberal rate of 5.85% I posted the question on April 25th => http://www.greenmassgroup.com/…

Finally on May 8th “Mr. I Want to Raise Taxes” comes clean when he said … But we’ll get to his answer in section 2 … “A Leader Leads by Example” . . .  

The fact is, it took Scott 2 weeks to suck it up and answer the question.  2 WEEKS!  2 Weeks ON HIS OWN BLOG!  These are the kind of constituent services you can expect from Scott Laugenour ‘s office, if ever elected.  Scott’s response time stinks.

2.) A LEADER LEADS by EXAMPLE: Did Scott Laugenour pay the 5.3% MA State income rate or did he pay the 5.85% rate?  For those of you who thought Scott Laugenour practiced what he preached … YOU GUESSED WRONG!  Mr. “I want to raise taxes” chose to be selfish and paid the lower rate … Oh yes!  Let’s take a minute and break it down … Scott believes we need to raise taxes probably on the rich because ya know they can afford it, but when it was his turn to pitch in for the lovely social programs that he wants everyone else to pay for … His wallet slams shut.  Now I’m sure some of you are saying  … But but but RRRR – you’re acting like Scott Laugenour has millions of dollars like Donald Trump … surely you must be joking?  Well let’s look at it the situation . . .  We got a guy that is running for office, he running on higher taxes and more social programs, HE ADVOCATES FOR RAISING TAXES  …  When the time came for our hero to pay up a few extra hundred bucks Scott Laugenour chose to keep the money for himself.  NOT EVEN WHEN THE MAN IS RUNNING FOR OFFICE WILL HE KICK IN.   The difference between paying 5.3% and 5.85% on $50,000 income isn’t even $300.  Scott Laugenour had a chance to lead by example, to practice what he preaches, but in the stone cold still of the night Scott Laugenour turned his back on his ideals and he threw it all away for $300 … Scott Laugenour should be ashamed.

3.) A LEADER IS HONEST: This is probably the most disturbing part of Scott Laugenour’s behavior … he’s not an honest man.  When he was forced to answer the question of which tax rate he would pay he offered this

I’m sure nearly all taxpayers join me in not paying it, especially in Western Massachusetts, where incomes are lower and the current unfair regressive tax system hits **us** especially hard. – Scott Laugenour


It’s tough growing up in Western Ma no doubt about it.  “For the average guy” there are fewer employment opportunities, the salaries are indeed lower than say working in Boston, education, everything … no argument here.  But seriously, to say Scott Laugenour is a down on his luck red neck in Western MA with few job opportunities and simply can’t afford to pay an extra $300 in MA State inc  tax is simply not true.  Scott Laugenour is NOTHING like his neighbors.  Scott Laugenour is the former regional VP for Marriott Hotels.  He does business strategy consulting for clients in the US and overseas.  Went to college in Hawaii and jet-sets to Japan to be a language teacher.  He’s full of crap.  When you think of guys living in Western MA do you really think of ex Regional VP for Mariott Hotels?  Seriously.  Nice try Scott.  

Continue reading Green Party Weekly Round Up: A weekly report that spotlights all things Green. – By RRRR : )

From the Green-Rainbow Party:

To: Mayor Thomas M. Menino, Boston City Councilors, Governor Deval Patrick and Legislators

Whereas: Mayor Menino and the Boston City Council have granted Liberty Mutual $24 million in property tax breaks and Governor Patrick has given Liberty Mutual $22.5 million in state subsidies to build a new office tower in Boston near its existing office in Boston.

Whereas: These subsidies are being granted to a corporation so wealthy that it testified to City Council that it could build the $300 million tower with cash on hand, and is on the Forbes 100 list, earning over a billion dollars a year in profit.

Whereas: This subsidy money is being taken from essential city and state services including schools, libraries, parks, transit, youth jobs and community centers, even as their funding is being slashed.  

Continue reading Revoke $46.5M in Tax Giveaways for Construction of Liberty Mutual Office Tower

Ladies and Gentlemen for the week of Apr 30 – May 4 NOTHING HAPPENED.  That’s alright the Green Party has had worse weeks in the past … so all in all not bad.  

NOTE – I use Mon-Fri as my “week” since the news is usually slow on the weekends.

Continue reading Green Party Weekly Round Up: A weekly report which spotlights all things Green. – By RRRR : )

Oh yes college brats … taxes aren’t something you have to pay yet, but when you “grow up” you’ll have to pay them.  So let’s ask some grownups around here how much they paid.  

We can start with me.  I paid shit!  That’s right everyone!  I PAID SHIT BABY!  As in 5.3% … Technically I dumped 15% of my salary into my 401(K) (pre-tax) so I really paid 5.3% on 85% of my salary.  Pretty good huh?  But I’m sure the audience at home expected this coming from me.  

Scott Laugenour on the other hand . . .  

Hey Scott! Scott!  How much did you fork over to the state of MA this year (meaning tax year 2011)?  How much Scott?  How much?  How much?  

BOOM – Moment of truth!  Did Scott Laugenour pay the 5.3% rate or did he pay the higher super-liberal rate of 5.85%.  With so many registered Democrats and a generally left leaning citizenry you would expect to see plenty of people paying the 5.85 rate wouldn’t you?  Question: Did Scott Laugenour pay the 5.85% rate?


Continue reading Question for Scott Laugenour – MA State Income Tax … which rate did you pay this year?