a) The Sample/Specimen Ballot posted outside the polling place for voters.

Why is the Elections Division http://mass.gov/sec of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts so difficult to get the Sample/Specimen ballot poster from by email before voting?… in case local elections commissions haven’t made the Sample/Specimen Ballot poster available by email or online, on the web.

b) Printer of Ballots

Could the Printer of Ballots email the Sample/Specimen Ballot poster on request for any voters interested in seeing the Sample/Specimen Ballot poster before going to vote? It’s 2012, it shouldn’t be necessary to make a trip to see a Sample/Specimen Ballot poster that could be make available by email or online, on the web in advance of the day for voting

Printer of Ballots


Peter Anton tel 978 904-3100 x113


panton at bradford-bigelow.com

c) Website. Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Could the Massachusetts Division of Elections provide easier to navigate website information?

See also

League of Women Voters




A better Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, a better administrative organization for the Secretary’s Election Division


Continue reading Sample/Specimen Ballot posed outside polling places for voters

Yes Team Green – Green Party Candidate Roseanne Barr is making the rounds … and here is a little quote from an interview she had with Russia Today . . .

“Part of my platform is, of course, the guilty must be punished and that we no longer let our children see their guilty leaders getting away with murder. Because it teaches children, you know, that they don’t have to have any morals as long as they have guns and are bullies and I don’t think that’s a good message,” Barr told Russia Today (RT).

Isn’t it refreshing to finally have a president that is against murder?  WOW!

The Green Party Presidential hopeful went on to say . . .

“I do say that I am in favor of the return of the guillotine and that is for the worst of the worst of the guilty.”


To which the interviewer agreed “you’re singing to the choir on this show, we’ve been advocating for the return of the guillotine for years now” said the host of “The Keiser Report” on Russia Today.  

Roseanne responded with

“Oh well fantastic we think alike in many ways.”

You can watch the interview here if you don’t believe me =>


Continue reading Green Party Candidate, Roseanne Barr’s interview with “The Keiser Report” on Russia Today

Don’t believe me?  Just ask Comedian and Nut Farm owner Roseanne Barr … She’s running in the Green Party Presidential Primary! And yes you guessed it … she wants to legalize weed.  

Think about that for a minute.  With the national debt climbing, death toll in Afghanistan climbing, percentage of American’s on Food Stamps climbing, you can always count on a Green Candidate to push for what’s most important … legalizing drugs.  Because that’s what America needs right now, more people on drugs.  

This is the year the main stream media treats the Green Party as a serious contender!


Continue reading The days of calling the Green Party a collection of nut jobs (Eli) are over!

Roseanne Barr is making headlines the only way she knows how … saying something completely stupid!  Apparently her campaign team left her alone with a computer … unattended.

So we have this headline . . .

“Roseanne Barr tweets George Zimmerman’s parents’ correct address”

“If Zimmerman isn’t arrested I’ll [rt] his address again. maybe go 2 his house myself, – Roseanne Barr”


So as the highest ranking republican on this blog I have a question to ask the Green Party . . . .

1.) Do you think Roseanne Barr has a shot or is she just in the running to bring [cough] attention to the Green Party?

Continue reading Move over Jill Stein – We have an even bigger idiot running for President!

I submitted testimony to the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Public Health today as part of the process being undertaken for the Commonwealth to set appropriate siting standards for wind turbines.  The public comment period closes on March 19, 2012.

Please join me in calling for reparations if health impacts are confirmed.  It is clear that some wind turbines have been sited too close to peoples’ homes.

The work that an independent panel conducted for DEP/DPH is incomplete.

Continue reading Reparations are Due