Big [Bad] Ag will be pouring lotsa money into the 2012 races. Those of you who support organic farming, sustainable agriculture, and relocalized economies can fight back by supporting candidates who support the same.  Case in point: The Local Farms, Food, and Jobs Act has been introduced as part of the 2012 Farm Bill.

It’s a good Act-a step in the right direction–and it’s endorsed by MA Senate candidate Marisa DeFranco (the only candidate for Senate in MA  who talks about sustainable agriculture and cutting subsidies to Big Ag). If this is on your radar, please consider making a donation to the one candidate who addresses these critical issues and stands up for local, organic, sustainable food networks.  You can contribute to Marisa DeFranco here:

Join the conversation by LIKING her Senate page here

The other candidate in this race is raking in big money from some very suspect sources (more on that later). The only way to get OUR concerns promoted and talked about in these races is to put our money where our mouths are. $25 will help ensure that a genuine people’s candidate has the ability to make your voice heard contributing (more will ensure that it’s amplified!).  And when you DO contribute, pass along a note explaining that you expect to hear more on whatever issue it is that matters most you-especially if  it’s the relocalized, sustainability realm!

BTW, this Act is also endorsed by the Northeast Organic Framing Association. As noted in a post below, I’ll be at their always entertaining, eye-opening  all-day conference in Worcester on January 14. If you’re going-and you can walk-in register-and want to learn more about the Farm Bill, there’s a workshop on the Farm Bill, 3:30-5pm.  

Continue reading Support Candidates Who Support Small Organic Farms and Relocalized Food Networks

My second testimony in 2011 to the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing takes place December 15 at the public hearing on the Medicare For All bill.

It has been proven throughout the world that that comprehensive health insurance will cost less and be of better quality when it is financed through public progressive taxes rather than through private regressive premiums.

…the barriers to implementing Medicare For All in Massachusetts are not based on economics, on health & medicine, or in public support.  The hurdles are political.

There has been a decrease in the number of co-sponsors of the bill … and lackluster advocacy for Medicare For All.

Beacon Hill will respond more favorably when confronted with an occupation against big-money business as usual.

The complete testimony follows.

Continue reading Testimony on Medicare for All