My second testimony in 2011 to the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing takes place December 15 at the public hearing on the Medicare For All bill.

It has been proven throughout the world that that comprehensive health insurance will cost less and be of better quality when it is financed through public progressive taxes rather than through private regressive premiums.

…the barriers to implementing Medicare For All in Massachusetts are not based on economics, on health & medicine, or in public support.  The hurdles are political.

There has been a decrease in the number of co-sponsors of the bill … and lackluster advocacy for Medicare For All.

Beacon Hill will respond more favorably when confronted with an occupation against big-money business as usual.

The complete testimony follows.

Continue reading Testimony on Medicare for All

This is a quick report from Steve at Occupy Wall Street

Hi folks,

A quick one, if I can finish in 14 minutes.

Got back into the city around 8 a.m., and spent the morning running around Broadway, Wall Street and surrounding streets and intersections. Kind of reminded me of DC demos around’00 and ’01, but without the tear gas, fortunately.

People blocked entrances to Wall Street, and there was a huge crowd behind the NYSE, on Exchange Street. Cops only allowed people with work IDs through the barricades, but at times there were so many demonstrators that the police blocked everyone in, which was a victory for us. Someone said the start of the 9:30 NYSE was delayed, but it looks like that was not true. So we didn’t actually prevent the official start, but did delay a lot of people, presumably, cause a lot of headaches, and made headlines again.

The scene in Zuccotti Park is crazy. Barricades everywhere, police keep changing where you can enter and exit. All kinds of commotion. Cheers of victory, shouts of anger, irritation at this barricade and that. After a while I wonder, where is all this headed, what are we accomplishing, what should we be doing?

But we’re temporarily disoriented, three days since our eviction, and where do we even go to talk with each other? Hopefully over the coming days we’ll answer some questions: what do we do next, etc.

Police are being annoying, at times brutal, most of us have been able to avoid direct confrontation and arrest. Just move when they tell you to, then go back ten seconds later when they’ve walked away. Cat and mouse.

Storage unit closed today, hopefully we’ll be in tomorrow. Okay, 6 minutes to go, will try to send to as many people as possible. Send this report anywhere you like.

Continue reading Report from Occupy Wall Street, Thursday, November 17