If you ever had any illusions that you live in a democracy, the testimony at the DiMasi trial should lay them to rest. The trial is trying to decide if DiMasi goes to prison. But as State House News reporter Kyle Cheney noted “It was the rare moments of agreement between prosecutors and defense attorneys that were often the most jarring: If you want to win the speaker’s ear, no matter how worthy the cause, hiring a well-connected lobbyist is a must. If the speaker wants something in the budget, it will appear in the budget – or in a bond bill, or in a supplemental spending bill – Ways and Means Committee be damned.”
Continue reading A Clear Message From the CourtroomRepresentative Horan and Senator Rosenberg:
I was unable to submit my testimony to the Redistricting Comm. because my statement was too long!!!
The # of characters in my testimony was 10,815. The maximum amount of thought and opinion is 2,000 characters.
This is an example of your shameful procedures. Please fix this.
Below is my testimony. Please add my statement to the list of those who wish to publicly testify to the committee.
Mike Heichman mikeheichman@verizon.net 617-265-8143
Continue reading TESTIMONY TO THE MA JOINT COMMITTEE ON REDISTRICTINGEvery now and then I sit down to write a parody, only to find out it has already been written. Sometimes by the very group I intended to parody! But this latest initiative of the group Coal is Killing Kids and the Yes Men portraying the coal industry as seeking to reach out to American youngsters with asthma “to help them keep their heads high” so surpasses what I could have ever have imagined that it literally takes my breath away.
Peabody Energy (formerly Peabody Coal) is depicted offering free cartoon-character-decorated inhalers to children living within 200 miles of a coal-fired power plant, plus an entire $10 towards the life-time cost of the inhaler medicine the kids now require thanks to the coal plant’s emissions.
In this alternate cartoon universe, the coal industry demonstrates its concern for those who are suffering asthmatic reactions not by cleaning up its act but by offering a one-time remedy for a chronic disease!
Back in the real universe, however, their actions are even worse.
Continue reading Clean Coal Stands Tall In Defense Of Childhood AsthmaPleased to see Bill Kibben (new activity previously noted here) and 350.org going beyond the one-off media stunts and rallies and getting real. Brown’s a terrific initial target for efforts like these.
Can 350 build the kind of poitical and fundraising muscle move.on did?
Continue reading 350.org getting into the arenaMother’s Day Proclamation: Julia Ward Howe, Boston, 1870
Arise, then, women of this day! Arise all women who have hearts,
whether our baptism be that of water or of fears!
Say firmly: “We will not have great questions decided by
irrelevant agencies. Our husbands shall not come to us, reeking
with carnage, for caresses and applause. Our sons shall not be
taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach
them of charity, mercy and patience.
We women of one country will be too tender of those of another
country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs. From
the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own.
It says “Disarm, Disarm! The sword of murder is not the balance
of justice.”
Blood does not wipe our dishonor nor violence indicate possession.
As men have often forsaken the plow and the anvil at the summons
of war, let women now leave all that may be left of home for a
great and earnest day of counsel. Let them meet first, as women,
to bewail and commemorate the dead.
Let them then solemnly take counsel with each other as to the
means whereby the great human family can live in peace, each
bearing after their own time the sacred impress, not of Caesar,
but of God.
In the name of womanhood and of humanity, I earnestly ask that a
general congress of women without limit of nationality may be
appointed and held at some place deemed most convenient and at
the earliest period consistent with its objects, to promote the
alliance of the different nationalities, the amicable settlement
of international questions, the great and general interests of
Julia Ward Howe
From the Green-Rainbow Party
May 5, 2011
BOSTON – This year’s state budget has revealed a yawning gap between the priorities of state legislature and the priorities of the people of Massachusetts, according to Nat Fortune, who will testify today as a Green-Rainbow Party representative at a State House hearing on budget measures. Fortune noted that while schools, health care, social services, and environmental protection are being severely cut this year, legislators have seen fit to largely protect tax giveaways to businesses with strong lobbying presence on Beacon Hill.
“How did spending public tax dollars on public services for the public good become a lower priority than subsidizing private industries?” asked Fortune.
Continue reading BIPARTISAN BUDGET AGREEMENT REVEALS BEACON HILL’S MISPLACED PRIORITIESIn less than 2 minutes, Gil Friend, CEO of Natural Logic, Inc and author of The Truth about Green Business, makes a clear business case against coal:
Continue reading The Business Case Against CoalThe 2010 Jill Stein campaign, tucked away in this powerful comparison chart between her policies and those of incumbent Democrat Deval Patrick’s, showed Massachusetts where our governor truly stood, all rhetoric aside.
Make a difference. Vote Jill Stein on November 2.
Endnotes with citations for each of the issues on reverse side
• Strengthening & Protecting Public Education. 1. Deval Patrick cut education by $198M in this year’s budget (FY11) hurting programs from pre-k through college.
This added to his 37% reduction in higher ed made in the prior two years, which put Mass. near the bottom of the 50 states in funding for higher ed (#46 of 50). 2. In
this year’s budget Patrick also preserved his 40% cuts to special ed made last year.(www.phenomonline.org, http://www.massbudget.org/docu…
doc_id=690&dse_id=1261 ) 3. Gov. Patrick’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2011 includes a 41% cut to the funding for special education and a tuition rate freeze of
private special ed schools for the second year in a row. Patriot Ledger 4/24/10, “Commentary: MA Legislators Must Protect Special Needs Students From Cuts”, by L Sauer.
4. Cut funding for state and community colleges by about 37% over the past two years. http://www.masslive.com/news/i…
• Health Care as a Human Right, “Single Payer” 1. Patrick applauded the administration and the legislature for taking “a step in the right direction with the health care
reform bill”. Boston Globe, 10/4/06, Debate Transcript. 2. The budget, which kicks in July 1st, would cut $56M for adult dental services for adults covered by Medicaid.
Masslive.com, 1/27/10, “Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick’s proposed $28.2 billion budget contains $800M in cuts to human services and other areas”,Dan Ring. And “Stop the
elimination of all MassHealth Adult Dental benefits” Facebook page. 3. Cut mental health funding by $12.2 million compared to FY 2010 current budget levels. This is $22.3
million less than the total amount appropriated for mental health services at the beginning of FY 2010. The Governor’s budget includes only $134 million for inpatient
facilities, a 20 percent cut from estimated spending in FY 2010, and a 7 percent cut from what the department estimates it would need to maintain services in FY 2011.
Budget Monitor: The Governor’s Fiscal Year 2011 Budget (Updated) MassBudget.org 4. 3000 eligible elders are waitlisted for home care. 40,000 seniors were cut from
Prescription Advantage assistance, after a series of cuts from $110 million funding in fy06, down to 32.4 million in the fy2011 budget. Deval Patrick preserved cuts
originally made by Mitt Romney, and then further cut the program by another $38 million dollars. This has cut 72% of the original $114 million annual funding for
Prescription Advantage when it was created in 2002. http://browser.massbudget.org 5. Gov’s budget represents a 2% cut in public health funding compared to current
FY10 budget totals. Compared to funding levels in FY01, after inflation, public health programs have been cut 25%.
• Big giveaways for corporate entitlement programs. 1. Governor Deval Patrick will spend up to $200 million in state funds this year to get 50 building projects
around Massachusetts off the ground…Among the projects are a 17-acre shopping complex in New Bedford, a new medical office building in Hingham for South Shore
Hospital, and [parking lot for] an expansion of offices at MathWorks, a Natick software maker….Some economists said, however, that Patrick’s initiative will have a limited
impact and suggested the funds would be better spent trying to get businesses to expand in Massachusetts and fill the large amount of vacant commercial space already
available here….”They are targeting the symptom rather than the disease,” said Gus Faucher, director of macroeconomics for Moody’s Economy.com. He argued that the
“disease” was really caused by job losses in financial activities and other sectors..”Boston Globe, May 6th, 2010, “Patrick pledges up to $200m to jump-start construction”,
by Casey Ross 2. $58 million for Evergreen Solar (taking jobs to China). ON THE HOT SEAT “could potentially eliminate 150 to 200 jobs in Mass. starting in mid-2011.” http://
www.boston.com/business/articles/2010/03/12/struggling_evergreen_solar_gives_ceo_six_figure_bonus/ Struggling Evergreen rewards CEOPayout wasn’t tied to financial
goals, solar firm says By Todd Wallack, Globe Staff | March 12, 2010
• Casino gambling. 1. Gov. predicts a jackpot, Boston Globe, September 18th, 2007, by Frank Phillips & Andrea Estes http://www.boston.com/news/loc…
• Increasing Aid for Cities and Towns. 1. Direct local aid to cities and towns received a substantial cut of 27.4 percent in the Governor’s House 1 budget. In addition to
this cut for FY 2010, the Governor also reduces lottery and local aid for FY 2009 by $128 million (9.74 percent) in his 9C cuts. In FY 2010, the Governor’s budget reduces
each community’s total lottery and additional assistance amount by 28.5 percent from the FY 2009 GAA level, a total cut of $369 million. http://www.massbudget.org/
documentsearch/findDocument?doc_id=716&dse_id=1050 2. Gov. Deval L. Patrick on Monday approved a budget for the next fiscal year [fy2010] that slashes
unrestricted aid to cities and towns by nearly 30%. By DAN RING 6/29/09 Gov Deval atrick signs budget, cuts local funds http://www.masslive.com/news/i…
• Restoring Funding for Human Services. 1. $34.5m the state spent to get kids off street & into paying jobs & safe places last year has been slashed to $16.6m this yr.
YAbraham No money to save lives. Globe 4/11/10 2. The Governor’s Budget for FY 2011 (House 2 version) Jan. 28, 2010 $40M cut is reflected in the DDS budget inclusive
of annualizing the earlier 9C cuts this year… In MassHealth, the PCA and Day habilitation programs have no reductions while the adult dental program is reduced with an
exception for those served through DDS. http://www.arcmass.org/StateHo…
tabid/874/Default.aspx In FY10, the final budget approved by the gov. cut the Dept. of Disability Services over $80M compared to the FY09. From chart entitled: FY10
Final Budget Chart 3. The Gov’s FY11 initial budget included ..funding for human services, ….[totaling]] $3.35 billion. This represents a $14.4M reduction when compared
to FY10 GAA funding levels. Gov’s budget recommends cuts to services for children and families, child care financial assistance, and the Dept of Youth Services; community
day and work programs for adults, transportation services, and respite and intensive family supports …. A reduction in funding for the Employment Services Program (ESP)
by … $12.M, or 49%, relative to the FY10 GAA….When adjusted for inflation, the Gov’s funding recommendation represents a 58% reduction in funding when compared to
FY01. The Gov’s budget maintains $4.4M in FY10 9C cuts and proposes an additional $4.9M cut to DYS representing an $8.4M total reduction in funding from the FY10
GAA. http://www.massbudget.org/docu… 4. Patrick’s vetoes [to fy2010 budget] include $7.6M to the
administration and other expenses of the state’s Trial Court, $1M in emergency food assistance, $2M for secure treatment facilities for opiate addiction, $2.8M for subsidies
to housing authorities and $1.5M in grants to local tourism councils for marketing and promotion.
• Stopping waste of billions on wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. 1. Patrick’s Iraq spin ignores war’s real impact, Jill Stein for Governor, July 26, 2010 http://
www.jillstein.org/content/patricks-iraq-spin-ignores-wars-real-impact 2. Gov. Patrick avoids questions about whether U.S. should be in Iraq and Afghanistan, MA Gov.
Deval Patrick arrives in Afghanistan as part of Middle East war zone tour, Associated Press, Friday, July 23, 2010, http://www.masslive.com/news/i…
• Stopping hikes in regressive taxes and fees. 1. Patrick stresses upside of tax hikes, Boston Globe, June 27, 2009, Matt Viser http://www.boston.com/news/local/
• Transparency on Beacon Hill. 1. Mass. Green-Rainbow Party candidate releases taxes, Wed. May 19, Associated Press, Gov. Deval Patrick refused to release his returns
to the AP, as he did in 2006, http://www.bostonherald.com/ne…
• Cleaning up Influence-Peddling on Beacon Hill. 1. New life for Patrick fund raising: Aides defend use of lobbyist as campaign coffers grow. Boston Globe, June 3,
2010, by Frank Phillips http://www.boston.com/news/loc…
• Effective Climate Action. 1. Biomass or Biomess? The state forges ahead with many questions unanswered. The Valley Advocate, June 30, 2009 by Mary Serreze
http://www.valleyadvocate.com/… 2. Mass. plant will make natural gas from coal. Boston Globe, October 25, 2007 by Robert Gavin. http://
The Canadian Greens and the voters of the Saanich-Gulf Islands BC riding made history yesterday by electing Green Party leader Elizabeth May to Parliament. May, who was excluded from the national debates (as a national party leader) on the argument that they did not have an elected Member of Parliament, became the first Green MP in Canada’s federal government. They excluded her despite the fact that May participated in the 2008 debates and did very well, resulting in significant federal funding of the Green Party annually. The Greens also fielded MP candidates in 304 out of Canada’s 308 total ridings.
Asked what just one lone MP can do, May responded “Just watch me!”
Watch her victory speech and post-election interview (below the jump):
Continue reading Greens make history in CanadaPeople around the country have worn this button in solidarity with protesters who peacefully occupied the capitol building in Madison in February and March of this year.
A foreign journalist asked me at the time to comment on the Madison uprisings. She supposed that such a thing that happened in Wisconsin couldn’t happen in Massachusetts. “Sure it could,” I replied, to her surprise, “after all, regressive trends in taxation and the cutting of public benefits have been advancing all over the United States under both Republican and Democratic Party leadership for at least a couple of decades.”
Continue reading We Are All Wisconsin