[Ed. note: for all the power and inspiration that came out of the NCMR, it did feel incredibly white and timid]

From Black Agenda Report

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by BAR editor and columnist Jared A. Ball


The Media Reform Conference and Democracy Now! share common characteristics: they are the best that the white left has to offer, and profoundly inadequate. Democracy Now! doesn’t just shortchange people of color, but unions as well. And the politics of periodic Media Reform conferences are as blindingly white as the corporate variety.

Race, Class, Unions and Media “Reform”

There is truly good reason for friends to remind me of my having gone back on a previously made promise to stop attending the very white and liberal National Conference for Media Reform [6]. Again the conference gathered, this year in Boston a couple of weeks ago, and again nearly all of the Black and Brown people I spoke to expressed disappointment at being present but not so much heard. One friend promised to smack me and anyone else he hears about coming back in the future. Another more prominent Black woman within this and other related political struggles whose experience and work truly deserves more credit and attention than she gets simply raised her tired eyes above her glasses and asked me with all the frustration and fatigue in the world, “Jared, why do you come here?”

Continue reading Race, Class, Unions, and Media “Reform”

…posted below.

Of course, if you’re gonna see it anywhere, it’s likely to be GMG. So, ’twas even better to see it posted by a serious candidate for US Senate on his public FB page–Somerville’s Bob Massie. How many mainstream candidates do you see touting McKibben? And how many mainstream candidates do you see McKibben showing up to endorse?

Eli wrote some time ago that “Bill McKibben has accepted that the time for individuals acting on their own has past, and that it is time for collective (i.e., political) action.” He seems to be embracing this with a vengeance now. I know that his decision to actively fundraise for a Democrat will be disappointing to some–Eli’s point, of course, was that Bill should be actively working to promote a party/parties that share an ecological vision as opposed to a growth-oriented economy.

But simply deriding or dismissing individual candidates because they’ve opted for a different strategy gets us nowhere.

So, with, so far as I can tell, no GRP candidates prepared to take on Scott Brown, I’d urge all Greens to have a look at Massie. I’ve come out about as publicly as possible noting that I’m very much liking what I’m seeing.  

Continue reading Good to See The PowerSpeech Video