We’ll see where Reich decides to stand when push comes to shove. Or has push already come to shove? Come on Robert, you said it back in 2001. The Democratic Party is dead. Join us and liberate yourself from that farce!

By Robert Reich at RobertReich.org

Look at the outrage in Madison, Wisconsin. Look at the crowds in DesMoines, Iowa. Look at the demonstrations in Indiana and Ohio and elswhere around America.

Hear what they’re saying: Stop attacking unions. Stop making scapegoats out of public employees. Stop protecting the super-rich from paying their fair share of the taxes needed to keep our schools running.

Stop gutting the working middle class.

Are we finally seeing average Americans stand up and demand a fair shake in an economy now grotesquely tilted toward the wealthy and the privileged? Are Americans beginning to awake to the fact that our economy now delivers a larger share of total income to the very top than at any time in living memory? That big corporations are making more money and creating more jobs abroad than in the United States?

That this concentration of income and wealth has so corrupted politics that corporations can extort whatever they want from the government – tax breaks, loan guarantees, subsidies – while the super-rich can take most of their income as capital gains (taxed at 15 percent), and the rest at the lowest top rate in 25 years? And that because of this our kids are crowded into classrooms, our streets and highways and bridges are falling apart, and our healthcare bills are out of control?

Continue reading The Birth of the People’s Party

I spent most of today (3/04) at a public hearing at the State House. Hundreds of people attended and about 100 testified against the Govenor’s proposed devastating budget cuts, and pleaded with the legislators to save their programs.

A few of us came and offered plans to increase revenue in a progressive manner (more funds from the rich and tax cuts for most of us).

Below is my written testimony. I also had my 3 minutes to make a speech.

Continue reading Resistance Against State Budget Cuts