“Make a financial pledge to our station in the next hour if you support Single Payer Health Care!,” is a popular line that listeners hear to drum up the number of ringing phones during a fund drive.
A local NPR affiliate is preparing a pledge drive soon. Because voters in the 4th Berkshire District approved the non-binding ‘single payer’ health care question by the second highest margin in the state last year, with well over 70% approval, it’s a sure bet that the affiliate will dedicate several hours of pledging to the issue.
I attempted recently to find out from the station how many additional pledges are generated during the time slots that are devoted to ‘single payer’ health care, but it didn’t seem that any records like that are kept. Without such data to communicate to lawmakers and advocates the pledge drive has little real effect in advancing the legislation which the callers presumably favor. The fundraisers certainly know that support for the issue is strong, though. They will reasonably continue with this tactic as long as it is viewed to bolster fund-raising.
As several of us in the Green-Rainbow Party are planning to participate with MassCare in “Lobby Day” on Beacon Hill, which is devoted to securing legislative co-sponsors for the single payer health care bill, it got me thinking …
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