As a student of politics I have given some attention and study to significance of “partisan-ness” and the role and function of political parties.  

I’ve written some specific musings here touching on the subject of political parties and social movements, but with the aftermath of 2010 elections and the GRP convention I have new impetus to elaborate on the concept of political parties in general and their history.  

In this post I want to explore some of the history of political parties in modern democracies, their function, purpose, means of existence, and how they relate to social and political change. My task is more descriptive than prescriptive, and I want to cover this topic broadly while maintaining relative brevity. Of course my biases and prejudices will show.  And I’ll miss the caveats, details, key examples, and the satisfactions of an analysis with multiple perspectives. If I had to boil the focus down to anything its the unique nature of political parties in the United States, and how this differs from other advanced democracies.  But where I overgeneralize or fail entirely please tell me.

Historical understanding is rare, and a grasp of political and social history rarer. I hope that this post will provide some insight into some of the background that informs my politics as well as open folks up to considering present political questions in the light of this history.

Properly speaking, factions and groupings of people organized to gain and keep political power have existed as long as humanity.  The political party as a modern institution can be traced to the maturation of the nation state and the beginnings of liberal democracy, first in the 1600s in England and later in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in the US and France.

Continue reading The Concept of the Political Party

There are many theories out there about how we ended up in the economic situation that we are in.  This is a very bad situation and it has affected many people and it is looking like it is going to get worse before it gets better.  Now I am not an economist but I too have a theory of how we got into this mess and I can sum it up with one word, GREED!

Americans have been living beyond their means for a long time now and I will call it what it is, sinful.  We need to be good stewards of the gifts that God has given us and that does not include getting into more debt then we can handle.  Yes the mortgage crisis lead to part of this but no one forced your hand to sign the loan application.  As I wrote yesterday we need to start taking personal responsibility for our actions and that would include getting into debt.  Americans today have more personal debt than any other time in history.  By the way I am including myself in this as well.

During this past election cycle here in Massachusetts there was a statewide question on the ballot to roll back the state sales tax from 6.25% to 3%.  Thankfully the question did not pass.  If it had it was estimated that the Town of Southbridge would loose approximately $9.5 million in state aid.  Okay my question is this, why is the Town of Southbridge, or any Town for that matter, relying on aid from the state?  It was reported in today’s Boston Globe that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts stands to loose money in Federal aid in the coming years as well.  I ask the same question, why are we relying on Federal Aid?  We are living beyond our means.

Continue reading Living beyond our Means

Early next year the Green-Rainbow Party will be notified that it is a party (in offialdom’s eyes).  This is due to Nat Fortune’s statewide tally in his recent State Auditor’s race.

I intend to celebrate this while at the GRP convention in Worcester on Sunday Nov 14.

The Vermont Progressive Party is also a party.  It is the most successful party in the US outside the Democratic and Republican parties, as measured by the number of candidates elected in partisan elections.  The Vermont Progressive Party is having its convention in Burlington on Saturday Nov 20.

I’ll be there to get ideas from them on how we can build the Green-Rainbow Party.

Join me at both conventions, and join me in joining the party.  How else do we grow?  Read on for more background, observations, and for the Vermont Progressive Party’s post election report.

Continue reading We’re a Party They’re a Party