October 4, 2012 update:  I reiterate my standing policy on debates, which is that I will accept all public debate invitations that are made in good faith by an identified sponsor to all ballot-qualified candidates.  This pledge applies both when I am a challenger and when I am an incumbent seeking re-election.

My debate policy was also reiterated when the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance included a question about my willingness to debate on its 2012 candidate questionnaire, which I answered and made public.  Question #4 noted that many incumbents avoid or seek to limit the number of forums they participate in with opponents.  It asked if I would pledge to continue a practice of public debate after election.  The answer, of course, was YES.

The following was originally written in August of 2010.

Continue reading Candidate Debates

Laugenour would legalize marijuana

By David Scribner

LENOX – Scott Laugenour, the Green-Rainbow Party candidate running for state representative against Democratic incumbent William F. Pignatelli in the fourth Berkshire district that includes all of South County, has called for the legalization of marijuana, both as a way of undermining covert drug trafficking and as a way of providing a taxable income stream for the area’s farmers.

‘It’s time for marijuana to be legalized and removed from the black market,” he declared. “Let’s allow our communities’ entrepreneurs to apply for licenses so that they may expand their business and profit from the sale of marijuana and related paraphernalia. And let’s collect fair and reasonable excise taxes on it.”

Continue reading “Laugenour Would Legalize Marijuana” : Berkshire Record

Welll … ya do.

Fascinating times in that we’re witnessing, in both the GOP and the Democratic Party, ominous fissures that go more than skin deep. There are already signs of potential mass defection by folks who identify themselves now as “Tea Partiers” first and “Republicans” second. And now, Robert Gibbs makes it clear that the WH officially acknowledges an equally ominous fracturing taking place within the ranks of Democrats in damning “the professional left” (pretty sure he’s talking about you there, kiddo).

It’s possible that we’re living on a cusp of a power vacuum.

Continue reading “May You Live in Interesting Times”

Next Democracy Day is TUESDAY, AUGUST 10. Please spead the word far and wide! Visit Democracy Days and post YOUR reasons for supporting this campaign!

When’s the last time someone asked you,”yo–wanna make history?”

Been a while? Well, I’m inviting you to do just that right now.

You can whine about all politicians being corrupt. You can pretend nothing outside your front door matters. You can accept impotence as a fundamental condition of your being. You can compromise to no end, selling your soul piece by piece on the obscene premise that life is all about settling for the lesser of two evils.

I dunno. Sounds like a pretty crappy deal to me. If that’s the best we can do, hell, I’d just as soon not have been born.

But I’m damn glad I was, and I’m not settling, and I’m not taking a blade to my whatsits, and neither are you. Because we have an opportunity to redeem ourselves, to redeem our commonwealth, to redeem our future. And all you gotta do is contribute ten bucks. Between now and August 10. That–and spread the word.

Go here and check it out:

Continue reading Democracy Day 2: The Countdown Continues

Jill is as friendly, dynamic, and well-spoken as I could have hoped for. Her campaign team is as organized, determined, and thirsty for victory as any political machine could ever build itself to be. Her core group of supporters are intelligent, dedicated, and ready to put in the hours to make this campaign happen. And, ladies and gentlemen, let’s not forget that JILL IS ON THE BALLOT.

In her remarks yesterday on the steps of the State House and on a conference call Tuesday night, Jill and her campaign organizers made it clear that this is not just a victory for her campaign; this is confirmation of a job well done for the volunteers who made it all possible, a step forward for the Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts, and the beginning of a massive grassroots movement to bring power back to the people of Massachusetts.

Continue reading Onward and Upward

Something unique is happening in Massachusetts. A dedicated group of supporters of Jill Stein, the Green-Rainbow Party candidate for governor, have started a movement to introduce clean, voter-based funding to the only candidate not taking corporate donations. They’re sending the message, $10 at a time, that it isn’t necessary to be entrenched in corporate interests to fund a political campaign. On these days of action, called “Democacy Days,” they’re asking for donations of $10 (…or more!) to drive this message home.


As Democracy Days’ Eli Beckerman just posted, if every one of the 75,000 citizens who voted for Stein in the 2002 gubernatorial race gave $10, she would not only have a substantial amount of money to get her message out there, but she’d also receive matching funds from the state. As the only candidate who has agreed to abide by Massachusetts clean election laws, this is the perfect opportunity to let lawmakers know that we will no longer support politicians who are beholden to corporations who threaten our economy, environment and the health of our communities.

Please join me on Tuesday, August 10th, for the third Democracy Day, and please spread the word far and wide so that we can get the message out there that democracy doesn’t have to go to the highest corporate bidder and that people themselves can still make a real difference in the political landscape.

Visit DemocracyDays to find out how you can make a difference on August tenth, and for help in spreading the word.

Continue reading A grassroots fundraising effort is dawning in Massachusetts

stein and sigs


Dazzled by the efforts of the truly invincible cadre of folks who braved this summer’s scorched sidewalks to collect the signatures needed to place GRP candidates on the ballot, impressed all over again with our gubernatorial candidate’s eloquent grasp of pressing issues and ability to weave them together with both sense and grace, pleased to meet my comrades once again on the same Statehouse steps we did when Jill Stein announced her candidacy on a chill March morning, I for one am feeling downright re-invigorated. No, all’s not well with the world. Far from it. But we’re ready to go to war to make it well, and all of us–in the party, in the movement, and, in fact,  all of us across the commonwealth, who’ve been delivered a choice we didn’t have yesterday–owe a real debt to those who labored indefatigably to ensure our candidates would be on the ballot–and in the freaking debates–and to the slate of candidates–Jill Stein & Rick Purcell, Nat Fortune, and Scott Lagenour–who are looking simply to give a real voice, not to party partisans, not to big-time donors, but to citizens like themselves  (we’ll shortly be adding the tireless Mark Miller to that list).

From the heart: thank you.

Of course … that was the easy part. To get involved with stage two, please visit Democracy Days.

This won’t work for everyone, but it still does it for me. Some Shakespeare for you.