This is the prepared text of a speech that I gave at the Berkshire Regional Convention of the Green-Rainbow Party on June 19, 2010 in Pittsfield.  I am running for State Rep in the 4th Berkshire District.

Other speakers at the event were JD Hebert, who spoke on homelessness, Nick Stanton, who discussed Transition Towns, Mark Miller, candidate for State Rep in the 3rd Berkshire District, and Jill Stein, candidate for Governor.

Continue reading A Candidate’s Convention Speech

Everyone knows that third party candidates have a rough time in the media, if not for the fact that outlets who favor Democrats or Republicans don’t like third parties, then simply because they think people are uninterested in hearing about them. And anyone who’s interested in seeing third parties do well in elections knows that this is somewhat of a self-fulfilling prophecy; news outlets don’t adequately cover third-party candidates, meaning fewer people hear about them, which in turn means that not many people end up voting for them on election day. We all know this to be an intrinsic reality of our democracy, but I’m staring at this first-hand, right now, and we all need to see it.  

Continue reading This is how negative feedback in politics works