Yeh, this one’s for the workers who toil night and day

By hand and by brain to earn your pay

Who for centuries long past for no more than your bread

Have bled for your countries and counted your dead

Continue reading M a y D a y

Read on.

What strikes me as most important about this piece isn’t BP’s insanely long history of conscientious neglect. It’s the business about how BP isn’t particularly concerned with the ramifications of cap-and-trade. We can’t do much to save the shrimp–not that any of us have actually tasted wild domestic shrimp lately–but we can … maybe .. do something about cap-and-trade.

BTW, this is off Kos. Which I every now and then take an oath never to visit again. But if you can get past the snarky attitude of Markos and friends when it comes to third parties (and even noble Democratic outliers like Mike Gravel)… there’s much on the site that’s indispensable.

That there are people out there staying up all night doing this kind of research in order post an article gratis makes me more hopeful than does anything else. No, DGW isn’t going to approach Beck’s ratings anytime soon. But he’s reached me, and he’s reached you, and now you’re going to disseminate that link far and wide….  

Continue reading What’s a Little Oil in the Gulf of Mexico Got to do with Cap and Trade?

The 420 holiday–by all appearances a national feast–got off to an early start here in MA with Extravaganja in Amherst over the weekend. Which is only fitting, since a recent headline in the Daily Collegian proclaimed that the “Marijuana Legalization Bill With Origins in the Pioneer Valley has Hearing on Beacon Hill.” Now that may have been easy to miss, what with all the hullaballoo over healthcare and casinos; but if you didn’t come across it, more’s  the pity, because it’s high time that the Green-Rainbow Party join the Libertarians and more than a few right-thinking Democrats in advocating total legalization of the kindly herb.

Not namby-pamby “decriminalization,” which is the kind of wishy-washy, mainstream middle-of-the-road-no-we-don’t-have-any-balls  approach that illustrates so well the timidity of liberalism in America today. Not “medical marijuana,” which certainly helps a few that freaking need it but doesn’t address the systemic issues at play in any way. Nope. Time for the GRP to take a full-bore, 100%  no-bullshit approach to this issue.

crowd hempfest boston common sept 21 2009

Crowd at Hempfest 2009, Boston Common, September 21 2009

Time to Align Ourselves on the Right Side of History

I’d love to see the party  go on the record…

Continue reading It’s 4/20, and Time to Take a Stand

My election to State Legislature in November of this year as a Green-Rainbow  candidate will greatly advance the prospects for single payer health care in  Massachusetts and in the United States.

(Update: July 7, a non-binding policy question on single payer health care will be on the Nov 2 ballot in the 4th Berkshire District.  Read more…)

There are many groups advocating for single payer, but they often focus their efforts on lobbying incumbents to co-sponsor a bill, or they focus on educating a few candidates seeking the few open seats that arise.   They are not making progress.  We are further than ever away from the kind of health care security that citizens in most other advanced democracies enjoy.

My election will be a more powerful boost to the cause than would be the garnering of even twenty more co-sponsors to the bill.  History has shown that co-sponsorhip is not enough; leaders must be vocal and strong because the opponents are vocal and strong.  Most of the so-called “supporters” of single payer health care are silent on the issue, except for when they’re asking for votes.

Continue reading Single Payer Health Care – A Candidate’s Statement